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TB500 cycle first time w this compound


I have a nagging shoulder injury, it's been bothering me since August. I went to a shoulder specialist and was diagnosed with an impingement. Ill keep it brief, basically cortisone worked for three months, but lifting and my physical job have taken a toll again, and I can't afford the shitty pay to go out on comp, so this is my choice for a self medication.

I will take 2 weeks off of upper body training to try and help as well, but missing work is simply not an option. Besides, I need more legs and and ab work.

I'm hoping that after two weeks of no upper body lifting, and loading that by week 3 I start to feel improvements. I will begin upper body training again at 50% weight, with focus on higher reps and slow, controlled movements. After week 4 I will try to go back to 100% and see what happens during the maintenance phase of this 8 week cycle. I will also update weekly, I plan on starting a week from tomorrow (4/14).

Any advice please let me know, I am going on research only at this point!

Dosing will be: MWF 2g a day, then 2g on Mondays.

awagz's picture

Ok today I saw my orthopaedic Dr, and the diagnosis was encouraging. I have bicep tendonitis, as well as a small tear in my labrum. How is that encouraging you may ask? Well according to the doc, a cortisone shot is all that's required, as well as some Aleve if needed, and I can go about my business as usual. So what does this mean for my tb500? Nothing, I will continue to use it to keep any flare ups away, and hopefully it's healing properties, when combined w the cortisone, can repair the small tear. I will resume training my upper body, but keep the focus on low weights and high reps. I have 300ius of HGH on the way, so at 2ius a day, I can stack the three and hopefully lift pain free, and go play some golf (my other hobby). Look for weekly updates as I continue my TB cycle as well.

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wolvesreign's picture

That's good to hear. Way better diagnosis than what I was thinking. The peptide could help both of those. Use as little nsaids(tylenol, aleve, aspirin etc) as possible; they block the enzyme cyclo-oxidase which is involved in the peripheral pain pathways and is produced when muscle fiber is shredded and lets the body know hey I need to start making more and thicker bands of mucle fiber. With a heavy cycle and hgh it prob won't matter much though. Ice it after every upper body workout.

awagz's picture

Ok one week in, and so far what I have noticed is:
Slight increase in mobility
Less pain when lifting to the front/side
Still can't lay on it at night
Still cannot lift arm past shoulder level

After a week, Id say all the results so far are indicative of a working product, but it's only been a week so I'm not experiencing major breakthroughs, however the results so far are quite encouraging. The reduction in pain is slight, but it is noticeable. How much of that can be tied into the fact that I have not done a single upper body workout in two weeks remains to be seen. I don't plan on doing any upper body lifts til next weekend, so that will be when I start to really test it. I will go light for a few weeks as well, just to increase strength slowly and not strain the shoulder further.

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wolvesreign's picture

Dude... I know exactly what ur going through. Continue not to listen to me at ur own peril. What ur doing is ridiculous. My shoulder was so bad I couldn't lift my arm and even years later it'll bother me once in a while to sleep on it. Not every solution is found in a vial or can b pinned. See a physical therapist and save yourself pain, time and money. I've said my peace, do as u please.

awagz's picture

I already am, thanks for the words of advice, I appreciate it. I have an appointment this Wednesday with my ortho to get it thoroughly examined and hopefully get an MRI done as well. I would never try to solely self medicate being I am looking for longevity in both lifting and my job. I will update on here the drs prognosis for sure.

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wolvesreign's picture

Your welcome. Don't wanna c u make the same mistakes i did. I tried to work through it cuz the pain got better during the workout and then came back with a vengence after. Bone spurs and a partial rotator tear was the result. I never put any stock in physical therapy till I got diagnosed by one and the pain went away. Even if u have insurance the deductible can add up. If u wanna do the excersizes on ur own at the gym, they can print out everything u need to do. Good luck.

awagz's picture

Thanks man, I will keep u posted on the progress as I go, maybe I can get some advice/workouts from u

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wolvesreign's picture

Sent ya a fr. I'm here if u need me though u prob know more than me.

awagz's picture

Ok so took the first vial, 2mg. I mixed it with 1ml BA water, so it was one full slin pin. I had my wife pin me, sub q right into the front of my delt. I am going to rotate from front, side and rear for the injections to try and spread it around the areas of my shoulder that are being affected by this injury. Why spread it around you may ask? Honestly, no real reason, the injection was smooth and pain free, and there is no lump or anything so I'm sure I could go in the same spot, but I am always a fan of rotating injection sites. My last upper body workout was last weekend, Saturday, so far its one week that I haven't lifted besides legs. I will take off next week as well, then begin to lift again at a light pace, high reps, low weight.

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awagz's picture

Yes, all the dosages in the cycle layout should read MG not G , I will edit that now.
Starting today, saturday 4/12, but will stick to MWF from here on in, and check back in once a week on progress.

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Lostlifter's picture

I'm guessing you meant 6mg.

wolvesreign's picture

Very informative. Would definately use for muscle and tendon tears. Impingement is a whole dif animal. Unless u get at the cause, healing will never catch up to the continous damage ur doing.

awagz's picture

I actually read your post/log in full before I ordered, it was your log that convinced me to go down this road. I'm going to do spot injects, I'll have my wife do a sub q into the top/side of my shoulder if she can grab enough skin, which I think she can. Thanks for posting your experience, I hope I have success like you did.

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only1cat's picture

I hope you do as well good luck my friend!

wolvesreign's picture

I had the same problem but mine was so bad that I had to get bone spurs removed. Mine was caused by over rotation of the scaula d/t cogenital weakness in the seratus. Physical therapy is a must to find and correct whatever is causing the impingement, it did wonders for me. It bothers me a little from time to time but stretching the joint takes care of it. Good luck.