Retsnomteeks's picture
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+ 2 Sustanon cycle


600mg sust Mon/Wed/Thurs, hCG 500UI starting on week 3 thru 12 and is run on Sunday 250UI and Wednesday 250 UI, Adex .25mg EOD. PCT - clomid week 14-15 100mg ED/ week 16-17 50mg ED, nolvadex week 14-15 20mg ED/ week 16-17 10mg ED, aromasin week 14-15 12.5mg ED/ week 16-17 6.25mg ED.


Let me know what you guys think! Input is greatly appreciated!

WeekSustanon 300mghCG AdexClomidNolvadexAromasin
3600mg500UI.25mg EOD
4600mg500UI.25mg EOD
5600mg500UI.25mg EOD
6600mg500UI.25mg EOD
7600mg500UI.25mg EOD
8600mg500UI.25mg EOD
9600mg500UI.25mg EOD
10600mg500UI.25mg EOD
11500UI.25mg EOD
12500UI.25mg EOD
13.25mg EOD
14100mg ED20mg ED12.5mg ED
15100mg ED20mg ED12.5mg ED
1650mg ED10mg ED6.25mg ED
1750mg ED10mg ED6.25mg ED
Crewkid93's picture

Love this cycle and the sus ;)

Crewkid93's picture

I know!! Plus are you doing 600mg at once or threw out the week??

Crewkid93's picture

I've personally ran 300mg Monday/Thursday and had amazing results plus that's less pinning Smile

Kazaa's picture

Man i miss sustanon.. One of my favourites.

Btw, according to Rich Piana it's unnescessary to use HCG while on testosterone. Better to wait until afterwards, and use a higher dosage of HCG.

video interview with Ric Drasin:
HCG talk is at around 8:00
(Rich Piana is a comeptitive bodybuilder and Ric is and old timer bodybuilder, working out since back in the 70s and juicing with that little amount they had available)

j223's picture

I sign off on this cycle! Looks good

ShreddedCheddar's picture

Sustanon is made up of several different test esters. Normally prop, iso, e, cyp and decanate. Depends on the brewer and what they decide to put in. You can get it in 250mg, 350mg and a super Sust know as test400.

ShreddedCheddar's picture

I believe you'll have better results from the Sustanon if you do your injections mon/wed/thurs.

Why don't you just use Aro as your AI all the way through cycle?

Cycle history:

ShreddedCheddar's picture

IMO HCG is best used if you are prone to testicular atrophy and/or running 3 or more compounds for longer than 16 weeks.

I can understand the situation with the Adex and Aromasin. Happened to me before. If you have enough Aro start it a couple of weeks before your pct. that way you just don't jump straight on the aro on pct and get an estro rebound. I know there is a low possibility with that since its only one compound but its nice to be on the safe side.

As far as the Sustanon, do your injections on Mon/Wed/Fri. I believe you will be more satisfied with your results.

Pct looks good
Clo 100/100/50/50
Nolva 20/20/10/10
Aro 12.5/12.5/6.25/6.25

ShreddedCheddar's picture

You should continue running your AI. Weather it be Adex or Aromasin.

ShreddedCheddar's picture

I'll take your word for it, Homie. I wasn't to sure on how that would react. The switch isn't something that I'm to familiar with. I was thinking more on the safe side but you are right. Aro is fast/strong so he shouldn't have any issues. Thanks for learning me something today:-)