TheHulk702's picture
  • 119

+ 15 551 IGF Hyges Green Tops and blood test


I been doing 4 iu hgh split 2 first thing in the morning and 2 before bed for the last month. I finished my PCT two months ago. I am a little worry about my liver values, what u guys think?
Hyges .cn i used.

baseline numbers here

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levelup's picture

you need to up your water....your liver values and BUN are due to byproducts from protein breakdown...keep them flushed and you should probably still be taking liver support

noob143's picture

Awesome results but since we didn't have a base line of your IGF it isn't that great. Your levels could been inn the 400 range which wouldn't make those numbers all that good

TheHulk702's picture

It cant b that high am 37 and not doing any aas at this time

levelup's picture

If you were 17 it wouldn't be that high brotha...551 igf is excellent

TheHulk702's picture


EagerToLearn's picture

He is 37.

TechniQue1's picture


TheHulk702's picture

I cant believe some mf down voted me

romangod's picture

I have had similar results with hyges from NAPS. Were you on or off cycle? Great igf ! I hope you stocked up on them... +1 Liver values? more info needed.alcohol use? Orals ? supplements?

Owes a Review × 1
TheHulk702's picture

am gonna take advantage of his promo and stocked up, am taking vitamins, biotin, glucosamin, flaxseed, d3, low dose aspirin and ZMA. supp: protein and creatin.
No alcohol i finished my cycle about 3 months ago

TheHulk702's picture

nothing really more than my vitamins and flaxseed. but i had and intense leg workout the day before.

builtroidtough's picture

Oh yeah what's the batch number bro I gotta box of those sittin in the frig?

TheHulk702's picture

thx for the answer bud, batch number is 20140304, here is a pic of the vial.

Do u thing that am good to go for my next cycle?

builtroidtough's picture

Good numbers on igf surprised no one chimed in on your question though...blinded by that big ass number I guess. +1 for that but as far as your liver enzymes are concerned your AST is barely out of range and ALT isn't too bad. It's more than likely from your workouts bro your liver spits out enzymes due to the damaged muscles I wouldn't worry.

killroy's picture

awesome igf levels !!

In a promo × 1
EagerToLearn's picture

holy f*** those are amazing numbers for 4iu!

ScorchedEarth's picture

What gh from naps are you running?

TheHulk702's picture

Hyges green tops

ScorchedEarth's picture

So the 25 vial 8iu kit

TheHulk702's picture


99transam's picture

I'm jelous of those igf#s!! Any idea of what your baseline was?

TheHulk702's picture


wildwill3cc's picture

Igf is 551 at 4 iu ed that'd incredible

TheHulk702's picture

Yeap I thought it was gonna b that good my hand r killing me for the last week, i have never experienced that much water retention