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Legend Pharma is imporant manufacturer of steroids inculding raws powder. Here you can find all the best steroids , low priced and high quality steroids straight from us.
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powersteroid.com would like to help you save money and time by delivering drugs to your door at best prices. We ship drugs worldwide except countries and regions, where they are prohibited by the law.
Most drugs are available and fresh delivered to your doorstep within an average of 10 - 15 working days, depending on country and region. Due to the positive tax regime where we are located you are able to benefit from cheap drugs prices you used to pay years ago. Our shop represents a combination of the best service, the lowest prices and high product quality. We always take care of our regular customers. In spite of the fact that we are receiving more than 1000 orders daily, we treat every customer as the exclusive one. Also we will be very glad to know your opinion about our services and our internet shop, and we will listen to any of your suggestion to improve the quality of our services. So do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

kth3446's picture

All those big named expensive labs had to start somewhere,and i bet a lot of them used this low cost high volume strategy in the beginning..

Big Mak's picture

Exactly bro, that seems like a tactic any new business would use. You have to start somewhere and have some strategy to motivate people to buy from you rather then your competition.

KK9111's picture

someone is sending out primo e and cut stack for mass spec analysis. you can see it down below

KK9111's picture

yes if the primo even comes in the 70s i would be happy. Primo is the most faked and under dosed aas there is.

guitarplayer1's picture

Well I ran his test e and deca with great success. This is not the only site that legend is on. You may want to venture to some other sites to see some bloods.

Running the tren atm and I am happy. So have you ran any of powers gear of are you just bashing because the price is too low for you?

Owes a Review × 1
solidman's picture

Anavar is gtg!! You can see results even at 40mg ed.(my gym partner is taking it so I know for sure).

solidman's picture

I know you don't, but right know it is the only proof I have that the gear is good, might be under dosed yes, might be over dosed yes, it s coming from China, where do you think everyall the fancy brands get their raw powder...yes China !!!!! Even american compan s get raws from China I work for a pharmaceutical and Watson gets Chinese powders bro.

ejm3377's picture

Did he get the pills or the raw powder? I have the VAR raw powder heading my way so I'm hoping that it is GTG!

solidman's picture

Pills bro.they were gtg I placed another order yesterday 5 bags of anavar and 3 test p.

White Bolt's picture

this is bullshit, first pack was seized, he reshipped and it looks like the reship has been seized too. anton, you really need to learn to package your gear bro.

Owes a Review × 2
Averysace's picture

Bro he packages that stuff very well I've had many orders from him and it takes an hour to get everything open lol they must just have ur number bad luck

Bigmeech1989's picture

I have one from Anton sitting in customs right now... It's been "inbound to customs" for about 6 days now... I'm not holding out much hope. How long did it take to get your seizure notice?

White Bolt's picture

First time it was inbound to customs for two weeks before they released it and delivered an empty box to me with a seizure notice inside. This one has been inbound to customs for like 5 days. Pretty sure your shit is seized.

Watch out for a controlled delivery

Owes a Review × 2
Bigmeech1989's picture

Yeah I'm just charging this one to the game. Wasn't too big of an order so I'm not all that concerned about a controlled delivery, plus with the amount of heroine/crack addicts/murders in the town I live in haha

kth3446's picture

I was about 3 1/2 weeks in. ran for about the same. i switched from a very popular eastern euro brsnd that is my personal favorite n didn't feel much difference. its worth the money, i just ordered 3 more to keep around. of coursee i didn't do bloods or mass specs so can only tell you how i felt about it. and ya i always use 1 ml prop a day when i use it, its probably my favorite compound when the pip is minimal which this deefinetly is..

Bigmeech1989's picture

I've used the prop and tren ace both gtg bro(didn't get them tested,just noticed the usual sides). I have test e/tren e/abombs stuck in customs right now so I'll keep everyone posted on the quality of those.

kth3446's picture

I was, i didn't get a real good gauge on it tho cause i only used one bottle. i can only tell yiu that i didn't get any pip and didn't seem to lose anything from it

lp_chops's picture

I am sending out samples of the primo e and cut stack for mass spec analysis to put mine and everybody else's mind at ease. Shipped out today and should have reports back in a couple weeks. Cost me 75$ per sample but helping out the community is priceless lol. Maybe the reps will feel gracious when I post up the results lol. I'll keep the thread updated and post results when I get them.

KK9111's picture

good man ty for your service to the community

vegeta1's picture

hey bro ive seen you on asf's board in the forums a it looks like you copy and pasted this exact paragraph on a post on there. hope your not trollin or somethin man lol im not accusing you or anything thought. but i really wanna see them mass specs man, you will really be doing the community here (and asf) a good deed, so post em up when you get em bro

lp_chops's picture

Not trolling brother. I have an account on asf too. Is that a problem? And yes I did copy and paste the same post because I didn't feel like typing all that shit twice on my iPhone. Can't I post the same pic on two boards and keeps two communities updated. So, in short I'm not trolling, look at my account. I've been here a while and used a lot of sources.

NoWeakAces's picture

Shake that off, man. Just get those specs up for us. And I say thank you in advance.

lp_chops's picture

Yeah the pre-competition diet and 100 mg of tren a every day as me a little on edge. Lol angus said he would let me know when he received the samples. So I'll keep you all updated

vegeta1's picture

i just had to check man lol i too am also on tren hahah a lot of it too. no need to rage bro

HoLlnx's picture


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