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Estimated T/A: 
10-15 days after shipping

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Legend Pharma is imporant manufacturer of steroids inculding raws powder. Here you can find all the best steroids , low priced and high quality steroids straight from us.
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Our customers are provided with the best service on internet: every medicine order, big or small, gets personal attention from a highly qualified customer support specialist.
powersteroid.com would like to help you save money and time by delivering drugs to your door at best prices. We ship drugs worldwide except countries and regions, where they are prohibited by the law.
Most drugs are available and fresh delivered to your doorstep within an average of 10 - 15 working days, depending on country and region. Due to the positive tax regime where we are located you are able to benefit from cheap drugs prices you used to pay years ago. Our shop represents a combination of the best service, the lowest prices and high product quality. We always take care of our regular customers. In spite of the fact that we are receiving more than 1000 orders daily, we treat every customer as the exclusive one. Also we will be very glad to know your opinion about our services and our internet shop, and we will listen to any of your suggestion to improve the quality of our services. So do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

This is awesome of you man. Keep us updated I am interested in this since I have a few of their cut stacks. Actually just started a cycle with them.

In a promo × 1
kth3446's picture

I think that's awesome, i. have never tried primo cause it so often seems to be fake, hybrids always seem to be dosed wrong and I'm weary with var. i heard that story about the guy who created labmax had to try 6 different srcs. before he found real var to use as a control sample, if that's so imagine how it would be for primo. i wouldn't mind sending his prop in cause if that's trash its all trash. either way if we keep trying to do what your doing unscrupulous businees's won't be able to make it anymore.

kth3446's picture

Dbl post

adamaiden's picture

is Power US based?

massmonster30's picture

No problem brotha!

Udaman69's picture

Should we so openingly be discussing shipping, customs, tracking etc?

Just sayin.

massmonster30's picture

The prop is g2g!

DirtyRed's picture

yea i just finished a bottle of Anton's prop, could tell no differenced from prop that i was already using it was just as good

massmonster30's picture

Yea man for sure

DirtyRed's picture

thanx getting ready to pop the top on one rite now kapeesh bro

userbrah's picture

If this is true then whats up with your "first cycle" planning on your profile? Just curious.

Kyletm3's picture

Did anyone ever test the hcg or hmg?

DirtyRed's picture

is ny1 getting good effects from power's test e???

kth3446's picture

Did any of you guys ever have a pack that says item being processed bby u.s. customs? mine always said where they were entering but I've never had one say that before!!

Bigmeech1989's picture

I've only had inbound into customs.

kth3446's picture

And it got siezed?

Big Mak's picture

I've had packages say inbound into customs and outbound out of customs and then I've also had shipments saying inbound into customs then being processed by customs then cleared customs so I think it has to do with how often U.S.P.S. updates their tracking information because I've even had packages delivered before my tracking even said out for delivery.

kth3446's picture

That's kind of comforting, i appreciate the input.

Bigmeech1989's picture

Don't know for sure, it's been there 10 days but I haven't got a letter yet. I'm assuming so though.

Badgoat1's picture

for people asking about T/a i got my pack in about 9 days total but it was all orals and raws. without going into detail i will say it was disguised very well. and passed through customs in 1 day. I havent ordered oils from him so i dont know if they are packed different or more easily detected.

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White Bolt's picture

First order got seized by customs.

Reship got seized by customs.

Das it mane. No more international sources for me.

Owes a Review × 2
userbrah's picture

Hey bro pm me.

Bigmeech1989's picture

Fuck I have a reship coming my way as we speak... I'm going to be pissed if it gets seized again.

White Bolt's picture

Dude. If your first one did, most likely your second one will too. Did the Customs in Hawaii pop your shit the first time?

Owes a Review × 2
Bigmeech1989's picture

Chicago. I guess chicago is notorious for catching gear. Anton said he did something different this time and assured me I'd get it. I haven't officially had my first one seized, haven't received a letter yet but he reshipped anyways

HoLlnx's picture

I think people got a hurt joint and made a story saying it was winny instead of var... Just IMO

userbrah's picture

Why do you make shit like this up? Guy didnt say anywhere that it was a hurt joint.
Correct me if Im wrong but didnt the var and primo fail labmax on another board? I know for a fact the primo did.

Bigmeech1989's picture

Anybody have any success getting packs lately? Seems like everyone has been having their shit seized.

lp_chops's picture

I recieved first pack no problem. My second pack was return to sender and Anton resent it domestic USA from a reshipper

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