Steel637's picture
  • 78

+ 6 staying lean year round (love it)


I had a short back and forth with one of the mods on here about being older and how its harder to bulk and cut. He changed my whole approach to cycling and diet with that short convo.
Ive been sticking to short estered 6 and 8 week blasts because its easier for me to keep my diet on track without getting burnt. And it also allows me to try more combinations throughout a year. I tend to stick to just a few compounds in a cycle and middle of the road doses. 218 pounds morning weight in this pic.

This cycle i used:
100mg test p/day
100mg tren a/day
first 4 weeks var @50mg/day
(6 wk cycle)

*cistron/DG tren a
*DG test p
*monsta var

Ordered from: 
Steel637's picture

Lmao! Thanks buddy, i appreciate all your help!

gorillafit28's picture

Hard work pays off! +1

Steel637's picture

Thank you sir!

Theophany's picture

Looking great brother! Nicely muscled solid and shapely physique! Obviously some very sound advice as evidenced by your pic! Keep doing what your doing! Nicely accomplished! +1 for a beautiful build!

Steel637's picture

Thank you very much sir! Always nice to hear from you Theophany.

solidman's picture

Whatever you ate doing is working +1 brother!!

Steel637's picture

Thank you sir! Much appreciated.

Older School's picture

You and I have very similar stats. I was 210 pounds last year before I bulked up. Plus one for being a ripped old guy. And welcome to level 2.

Steel637's picture

Thank you sir! Ill actually be 39 this year, just hadnt updated stats in a while.

chubb's picture
  • 1
Steel637's picture

Thanks chubb! And why in the hell is your karma no higher than what it is? Youre a fuckin tank!

bigJOHNstud's picture

Looking pretty big, nice quads

Steel637's picture

Thanks man, i actually think they lag. Not satisfied at all with them.