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+ 4 Somastim mess spec and HPLC test (February batch)


Find attached out in house full tests to the current batch of Somastim we released this weekend.

The purity as found by HPLC (chromatogram) is 99.1 %, and the molecular weight is precisely the expected (22125 - responsible to 191AA)

I show the results so each and every customer may conduct the same tests and get PRECISELY the same results to confirm our quality control, I do encourage each and every customer to do so.

There was a slight delay in the release of the batch, it's being expressed now, will wait eagerly for your feedback

Ordered from: 
Charlie A's picture

Hey Karl,

Is legit? Is that your official site? Also, do you have the promo codes that were mentioned? I can't seem to find any info regarding the legitimacy of the site and your other sites were shut down.

Sciroxx's picture is our official site, and an exclusive distributor of the somastim

purejuiced's picture

Mess spec? Is that a Freudian slip? Lol

EagerToLearn's picture

I canĀ“t wait to find out myself Smile Thanks for the test karl!