cthangorilla's picture
  • 36

+ 3 Omnadren, Organon Sustanon, and Clomid


First order with Original Steroid, had pretty fast shipping. I haven't used Omnadren in a very long time, had gotten lucky once and my neighbor sold me a ampule for 5 bucks and he then lost his other 3 amps. The amps looked different than the other I had once obtained, but after researching a bit online, it sounds like this should be normal, although I don't see "Jelfa" written on it anywhere which is a tad worrisome, but Original Steroid should have the ability to snag real Omnadren I would expect. This is for my next injectable cycle which I plan to run late this year or early next year. My order consisted of 20 Omnadren 250 amps, 10 Organon Sustanon 250 amps, and 2 orders of Clomid which consist of 30 tabs each. Never ran a full pharma cycle, hoping I feel confident enough to post a self pic on here once its in use. Til that cycle, I'm working out natural for the most part, although this "Oxandrovar" pro-h has peaked my curiosity and I'd love to shred for the Summer, but we will see.

I also noticed one of the Organon sus had a wee bit less oil than the other vials, not too noticeable but is this at all normal? I would think it'd be pretty exact measurements and the rest have the same amount.

Ordered from: 
jp82088's picture

Did he ship in Original packaging?

cthangorilla's picture

Nosir. Just wrapped in plastic. I could probably have requested that it was in the original but I didn't. I guess we will see how it stands up after I use it. Unless there are any counterfeit marks that you can tell.

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cthangorilla's picture

Ooohh okay well that makes sense, I remember my first amp I got awhile back was Jelfa and it was great, or at least way better than the sustanons that I had used before. Is the quality the same, better, or worse that you're aware of?

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cthangorilla's picture

I hope so. Omnadren was by far my favorite compounds I've used together. Haven't felt anything quite like it since. Lol my girlfriend only doesn't give shit about me taking steroids as long as I let her get my pimples. It's a win win

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Rufio512's picture

People are goin to bitch about the wrapping bro.

cthangorilla's picture

Got it fixed homie. Got an unwrapped picture. Thanks for advice

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cthangorilla's picture

Shit. You're right. I will fix, thank you.

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