Highstakes_lowrider2's picture
  • 23

+ 4 Just over 12 weeks out from first comp


After an epic birthday cheat day, a ritual me and the misses share lol.

Currently on ARL Test prop and Mast prop as well as Signature Tren a purchase from GC.

Posing needs some work, have just hired a coach last week purely for posing, otherwise i am doing this prep myself. i will also note that these are just very quick poses lol. Will upoad some proper posing next week from the next practice session..

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GrowMore's picture

Bloody fantastic work mate! Your top half matches your legs! Looking brilliant. Best of luck with the competition. Damn 22 and look 10x better than me! I'm going to have to get some arl gear hahaha. What you have for your cheat meal?

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Highstakes_lowrider2's picture

Thanks bro Smile haha believe it or not my legs and tris are probably my weakest points.. My quads are okay and the conditioning of them really helps create a nice illusion during my poses but i have possibly the worst hamstring development in history lmao. Something i really need to focus on in my off season.

As for my cheat meal it was actually a cheat day for my birthday lmao. Started out with breakfast (pre workout meal) which consisted of a big breakfast (sausages, hash browns, eggs, bacon, toast, fried tomatoes mushroom and beans), followed by a big slice of mars bar cake, nutella scrolls and an iced mochachino (coffee with a lot of chocolate and ice cream in it hahaha).

Post gym meal consisted of a mcdonalds meal. Might angus burger, cheeseburger, large fries, a packet of mcbites, kitkat mcflurry, powerade and a frozen sprite lmao.

Then we had the family come over for later and a few slices of pizza, chocolate, juices, and a caramel mudcake was consumed.

Definatley took full advantage of it this year lol. Woke up the next morning with new and thicker veins running through my abs ;)

GrowMore's picture

You went to town on that! Looks like you deserve it though mate, phenomenal shape you have. Keep hitting those week spots and they soon will strengthen up! Stiff deadlifts and seated/standing leg curls are awesome for the hamstrings but you probably already know that!

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Highstakes_lowrider2's picture

Yeh mate 100%! Just starting the deads again. Had bicep tendonitis in both tendons which is almost gone and deads would aggravate them worst than any other exercise! I realise now that that is where i messed up. Doesn't matter anyway i have a long road of competing ahead of me to fill in all my weak points Smile thanks for the positive comments bro!

Meathead7002's picture

Looking good man! just remember to keep your chest up!
All turns are gonna be quater turns to the right so youll be standing the other way for side chest but just make sure to keep your chest out and crank that back peck up with your outside bi to show those striations!

Highstakes_lowrider2's picture

Thanks bro! Haha well this is actually taken from a mirror so it is to the right! But yes i have improved greatly on my poses, still need a fair bit of work though, but i have the time. Just a matter of tweaking hear and there as you said. Need to really concentrate on my breathijg aswell as i get really out of breath after a round! Youd think that would be the last of your worries until you actually prepare for a comp lol

scoobydoo's picture

Looking good lowrider.Your lean as hell already.I can't wait to see the finished product.Keep up the good work.

Highstakes_lowrider2's picture

Thanks bro, will try to keep everyone updated as much as possible on here Smile