bigJOHNstud's picture
  • 583

+ 22 i hope you guys didnt think i stopped lifting


i had a little mishap and got banned. i truely thought fool me once was a banned member so i negged the shit out of him. its against the rules and that is something that i should have left for the mods to handle. i wouldnt karma rape an upstanding member.

been hitting the weights with a little more intensity for the last few days. does it show??

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SquirrelNutz's picture

Damn son. I've been out of the loop for a minute. (Didn't even know you got banned). You've had big changes, looking great brother. +1

mickey89's picture

My man BIGJOHN! Looking good bro! Keep it up!!!!!!

bigJOHNstud's picture

thanks mic!!

MusicMan's picture

yea man I see a $hitload of improvements, where do we begin, the stomach is looking chiseled abs present, arms looking great, work harder +1

bigJOHNstud's picture

thanks mm!! i am going to kill it these last couple weeks of the ebc.

bigJOHNstud's picture

i am giving it everything. i usually only take one day off a week. i usually use saturday to hit a body part i think need some work. today i am going to hit the chest. thanks big country!!

bigJOHNstud's picture

thanks mr. danger

bigJOHNstud's picture

thanks im back to 300. i took a 50 point hit. karma really isnt too important but it sucks to loose it

K-E-A's picture

+1 BigJohn

bigJOHNstud's picture

thanks kea

mobman702's picture

This issue was delt with and handled by the MODS so there is NO need to come in here and start up a mess now.. Leave it be as he has paid his dues for what he did..

HllwdBdBoy's picture

Do I need to throw a going away party in here?! Cuz I'm on a roll today! >: /

mobman702's picture

Nope. I am done hllwdFUboy.

mobman702's picture

BJS back in Da House and looking stout I must say.. Keep your nose clean bro, we need you around here.. +2 from the Mobman...

bigJOHNstud's picture

thanks mob

bigJOHNstud's picture

i have plenty of weak parts. thanks b-boy! the rear dels dont get much attention. i think i need to work the delts harder in general

Gorillafit's picture

Awe, your so cute without the beard! LOL ;-P
If that member was laying down would you rape them then?
I just wanna know what exercises are safe for you to spot me! LOL ;-P

bigJOHNstud's picture

i think your safe.... until i gain 30 lbs ;-)

robb's picture

It's shows, no doubt about it. Keep that intensity up bro. +1

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bigJOHNstud's picture

thanks rob, i will

only1cat's picture

Looking good glad you are back!

bigJOHNstud's picture

thanks cat. glad to be back

iFit's picture

Welcome back. Looking really good. +2

bigJOHNstud's picture

wow! that means alot coming form you ifit. i have come a long way but i am no where close to where i want to be. thanks brother that made my day

iFit's picture

My pleasure. What I like about your build is it's very muscular and athletic. Each pound of muscle you put on will look like 3-4 lbs on your frame. I'm more of the slow and steady type as opposed to the bulk and cut type. I'm always afraid I'll never be able to take it off. Lol

Gixxer151's picture

Missed you bud , looking ripped bro +1

bigJOHNstud's picture

i missed being here. thanks gix, i dont plan on getting banned again any time soon.

bigJOHNstud's picture

yeah, i feel leaner. im hanging around 215lbs. the vips is melting my fat away but i am getting stronger. i feel great. i swear im starting to see abs at times. i havent seen those in ten years ;-)

oldhead73's picture

Glad your back!! Looking great brother!!

bigJOHNstud's picture

thanks oldhead!! being banned sucks.

Pmob's picture

Welcome back !! Now be good ! Nice self shot ! +3

In a promo × 1
bigJOHNstud's picture

im not going to stop until i get pecs like yours. thanks p!

bigrigger's picture

That physique is powerful. Great work BigJohn+1

bigJOHNstud's picture

thanks, im working hard on it. i still got a long, long way to go

bigJOHNstud's picture

hows that big guy? so fresh and so clean!!

bigJOHNstud's picture

thanks trap!! i am really pushing myself. there are is too much great competition in this ebc. i have to give it everything and then some or i wont stand a chance