kth3446's picture
  • 135

+ 3 different kind of comparison pic (no karma)


This is a pic that i was and am still kind of priud of. from when i was around 23 all natural and i got to around 190 at 5"7. I'm glad i did it once but it wasn't really for me. It really messed up my cardio and no matter how much i tried to condition i couldn't run anymore or even snowboard the same. i guess not all of us are meant to be huge. i put a now pic up to see the difference. i don't want karma but you can tell me which is better.

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Catalyst's picture

Wait until you get to the size where you can't get your own socks on due to lack of flexibility.....

kth3446's picture

I already have a lot of trouble with glute shots and washing my back.

kth3446's picture

I swear my head looked cartoonish on that body, could never catch my calves up. maybe another 6 months and i could have gotten my legs right but my head would have stayed the same.

kth3446's picture

Its all about gettin big i think when you start out but i think you evolve after a while. if you do wanna get big maybe you wanna get big and keep the same bf% or even drop it. maybe to be more vascular. there are a lot of goals i hope to reach and exceed someday.