ped's picture
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+ 4 Bulking time! (GH+IGF-1)


A pic of my babies! 400IU of Noditropin GH + 160mg of pharma grade IGF-1. Insuline + Testosterone Enanthate + Deca+ Anavar will be included in the cycle as well. Enjoy!

Ordered from: 
gorillafit28's picture

Good lord that's a whe lot of goodness u got in that pic +1

irongame427's picture

Woah, what kinda pharm grade igf-1 is that it doesn't look like increlex and as far as I know that's the only kind of pharm grade igf-1.

ped's picture

Increlex is just a comercial name. They also sell the same medication with a different label. These ones I got from a government phamarcy (not in the US).

ped's picture


irongame427's picture

There's not, ipsen increlex holds the patent until 2017, there has been mass shortages of the drug due to quality control in the plants as well as closings of other plants. Increlex is the one and only that's legally allowed to produce it. This shit is incredibly hard to make I doubt compounding pharma have the capabilities to make rDna orgin igf-1. If you know of where to get some let me know.

ped's picture

Increlex is only the comercial name of the product. I can guarantee you that ipsen sells its drug under a different label.