pineradylan's picture
  • 11

+ 3 Blood Work - 12 weeks in last blast


Bloodwork from running 500mg/ week injection frequency
Every 3.5 day split

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UncleYoked's picture

My creatinine is naturally high, always has been. Drink more water, take some kidney supps, just to be safe.
I'd focus on the lipids, fish oil should do it. Overall, your blood results aren't that bad. Slightly off but not bad really

classicbberx1's picture

Test c or e just curious?

Makwa's picture

Nice score for 500mg/wk.

Badgoat1's picture

Blood works actually not that bad for a 12 week cycle. Diet must be on point. A lil advice.i got Dr. Is to pop 1000mg of fish oil daily to help keep the HDL cholesterol up.

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press1's picture

That's a concerning creatinine level there bud for 500mg/wk Test - is there any reason for this such as medications you are taking etc?

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Makwa's picture

My normal creatine level hovers around 1.4 - 1.42. High creatine isn't bad per se. What you have to watch out for is if your creatine level is continually creeping upwards. Then there could be an issue. I get mine checked every 6 months to see if any trends are occurring. According to my urologist high creatine levels are pretty much expected for bodybuilders due to higher than normal muscle mass. He said if I was an 85 year old 90lb grandma then he would be concerned about those levels but no big deal for a 210lb bodybuilder with 8% BF.

press1's picture

I do get what you are saying with reference to us guys carrying more muscle, consuming more protein etc. But I still think a corresponding eGFR of 70 is low, considering he should be hovering around 95 to 100 and he has only been on a low to moderate Test only cycle. If there was an oral in there or maybe tren then it would be understandable, and that would probably increase back to normal after time. What's your take on this bud @Gh0st ? Where do you draw the line in clients readings?

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Gh0st's picture

Depends on age and prior readings, other risk factors, like consistently elevated blood pressure, or acute dehydration. A lot of factors come into play. When assessing for true chronic kidney disease these markers still are not great and we send out for a Cystatin C and/or an Albumin:creatinine ratio in the urine. To see if protein is spilling over.

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press1's picture

Yeh I guess the Cystatin C test would be a better measure. Does dehydration affect it also then - I figured that was just with a BUN reading?

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Gh0st's picture

Dehydration can affect it too but you will generally also see an elevated BUN and RBC/HGB/HCT along with it. BUN increased by itself is more likely related to high protein diet

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Brbry's picture

It could just be a high protein diet. Mine gets like that if I consume 2 grams per lb body weight

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