drumdojo's picture
  • 8

+ 1 best shoulder pump ever & all gains retained from 8 weeks on swole var!


Just finished a long cycle with a run of swole's var for 8 weeks. Quite pleased with the results, kept all gains from the var, & I feel great heading into my cruise for a few weeks.

Ordered from: 
vhman's picture

You did an 8 week, oral only cycle? Now your "cruising"? On what?

vhman's picture

He either changed it or I just misread it. I'm betting on my error for now.

cdyrdes's picture


drumdojo's picture

Hey guys, sorry for the late response, got slammed at work soon as I posted these. Ran Var for 8 weeks once I dropped EQ from an 18-20 wk run with cyp as my base. I'm prescribed 600mg/wk cyp as my trt dose(I know...lol), along with whatever else I may need. I replaced the cyp with sust(high dose) a few weeks ago to see how my body would respond & the results behave been amazing. After another 10-12 days on the sust I'm gonna cruise in 200-250/wk (depending on blood work) pharma cyp and stockpile the rest for the zombie apocalypse. Planning a low test/hi primo blast this spring. We'll see... Cheers