irongame427's picture
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+ 32 3 year transformation.....Never satisfied


It was almost 3 years ago exactly that i put down the drugs and unhealthy lifestyle i was living and started on my bodybuilding journey. I was around 125-130lbs in those first pictures. Looking like i was ready to die lol. I was serious from the day I started lifting. I spend literally all my time reading about training and nutrition. I didnt want to waste any time making mistakes. And I was very lucky to have two great lifting partners who were already huge to show me the way. And best of all they never once said anything about how fucking small i was. All they would do was encourage me. So i got lucky i never wasted time doing bicep curls everyday like you see alot of new lifters doing. The current picture was about 3 weeks ago right at the end of my last cycle a little over 200lbs with an insane arm pump from some pre workout tne, igf-1 des and m1T. My arms probably grew more then and inch from that pump. They normally dont look that good lol. So overall I'm 75-80lbs heavier then i was 3 years ago. I dont think I'm to fat lol, so a decent chunk of its gotta be muscle

I plan on competing in July most likely in mens physique as i feel my shape and size is probably best suited for that class. But i plan to switch to bodybuilding at some point. So for the next 2.5 months ill be on a clean bulking diet, then the next 8 weeks my diet will be around maintenance with hopes of recomping and getting into better condition before the full blown cut starts. Hopefully at the end of that 8 weeks all be around 210 at 10% bf or so. And then the next 13 weeks after that will be full on cut mode so hopefully i can step on stage in the 190s sub 5%. My main focus the next 6 months will be bringing up my stubborn ass upper chest which just refuses to grow, my arms need some improvement an also my legs. I have a great coach helping me thru this entire 7 month prep so i have no doubt ill bring a great package to the stage. .

Gonna upload a few more pics later when i get a chance. And advice for my first show will be greatly appreciated.

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awagz's picture

Shit man ur before pics look just like min. I was 155 lbs at 6'3" when I started lifting. Now I'm 225 and lean as shit, it must feel great looking back on those pics and seeing such a transformation. I wish I had some before pics from when I was 19-20 to use as a point of reference but I know where I came from so that's all that one homie

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irongame427's picture

Hell ya bro I look back at those old pics all the time to remind myself how far I've come. A lot of times i get down on myself and im not happy with my progess but then I remember where I started. I didn't have a 170lb starting point like most people who are 6ft tall I started with nothing and built what I have from scratch. Goal is 225lean Hopefully in a year or so. That would mean 100lb muscle gain in 4 years. Id like to be able to say that lol. But it's cool knowing I've put on 75lbs or so of muscle in 3 years.

awagz's picture

no need to get down. Guys like us will always have muscle dsymorphia to some extent, we just gotta remember how far we have come. Kudos to your gains, I gained 75 pounds in 18 months when I first started....but I admittedly looked fucking horrible. I dropped 35 of that and rebuilt as lean muscle, now I'm pushing for 235, single digit bf and I'll (maybe) be happy

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The Impastable's picture

Much preferred your errr... Swimmers body?

J/k bro, great work and dedication, not just with the gear but with the diet and training. good luck with you comp, let us know how it goes!

brandoc84's picture

Wow, i just happen to come across this. Simply amazing and very inspiring brother. Hard work and dedication. +1

sic26's picture

Great transformation autobot prime can't wait to see you b4 you hit the stage

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irongame427's picture

Thanks man!

flacidego's picture

Great transformation brotha. I'm glad you got your problem sorted out in your twenties and not later. Props on that. I used to be thin as a rail like you used to be. You're holding that muscle well. Nice work!

irongame427's picture

Ya im glad to man, definitely better nip it in the but early on then be in my 30s and do it then and then start to build a life.

irongame427's picture

thankks bro.

Gymjunkie01's picture

looking good bro.... deff have added size +2

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irongame427's picture

Thanks man I'm trying to get on your level. Only 139lbs to go lol.

Gymjunkie01's picture

Keep taking your gummy bears and listening to the guy at the GNC store you will get there

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irongame427's picture

Thanks bro I appreciate it.

irongame427's picture

Thanks man

irongame427's picture

That's the truth. Thanks bro

99transam's picture

Great progress my look great irongame!!

irongame427's picture

Thanks a lot homie

irongame427's picture

Hell ya bro lets fucking do it.

manbearpig's picture

Now that is some real progress!!! In three years?! Huge gains bro! nice work

irongame427's picture

Ya man 3 years on the dot either this week or next. Started at the end of jan 2012. Whats fucked up is I'm really not happy with my progress lol. I think i could have done alot better. 2015s my year i can feel it.

irongame427's picture

thanks alot man.

rolltide3's picture

Wow what a great transformation in three years. Sky the limit can't wait to see your progress in a couple months with your coach plus one bro

irongame427's picture

Thanks bro

Drywallstar's picture

Great journey! Once we put the shit down and change our thinking......the skys the limit! Keep coming back bro

irongame427's picture

Thanks brotha

irongame427's picture

Thanks brother, congrats to you over coming your addiction also. If you want the balls to step on stage go watch a Bodybuidling show live. I swore I would never compete but after seeing one I can't wait to.

irongame427's picture

Go to a local show . Then you'll see you actually have a really good chance at placing it you prep right.

irongame427's picture

Lol I hear ya dieting sucks. But if you take it nice and slow you don't have to restrict yourself so much.

irongame427's picture

Thanks man

tonytulo's picture

quite the transformation , you went from a scrawny fucker to looking like your in the gym and kitchen. Now get back to work and keep honing your diet and training skills. DIET 50% TRAINING 35% GEAR 15% Looking good iron but greatness is still further ahead. keep it up bro.

irongame427's picture

100% diet bro, without my body makes zero progess. Right now I think i have everything dialed in perfectly now or atleast the best it's ever been regarding diet/drugs/training/sleep. Watch out for me in the next few months its time to get big.

thahulk2014's picture

Im all about that diet bout that diet no cupcake

tonytulo's picture

hey now a cupcake every now in then is ok lmfao

tonytulo's picture

put that mother fucking fork down and save me a piece you bastard you have had enough save some for me.

tonytulo's picture

That's good to hear bro. I like to see people actually have the drive and determination to do it all and give everything 100% instead of just putting all their effort into their drug protocol. I will be watching and waiting lol.

irongame427's picture

Same to you bro I wanna see big things from you in 2015. Couple good blasts and you could seriously be a monster.