connorlm's picture
  • 6

+ 4 1 Year Progress


Alright thought I'd chuck these up here. Just to give you a little breakdown I was lifting for about 2 years before I then had an 8 month break which I basically lost almost everything - the first shot is after the 8 month break about 2 months back into lifting taken I think in July 2012.

I went onto my first cycle of Test e 500mg/wk and ran dbol for the first weeks also, gained a hell of a lot of mass & alot of fat going all out 'dirty bulk' mode. I then spent alot of time after that cutting without any gear(which I regret since I lost alot of muscle).

Finally I decided to run another cycle - tren a 75mg/wk & test p 50mg/wk and the second two shot were in July 2013 during my PCT stage of this cycle. Stats here are 6ft 219lbs and at a guess 8% bodyfat? Calipers gave me a lower reading but I'm sure I wasn't.

So the year consisted of about 7 months of not using gear and 5 months on.

Ordered from: 
Makwa's picture

Nice job on your tranformation.
Take my advice or leave it, but you are cycling at way to young of an age. At 22 yrs old you should be flooded with testosterone naturally and I really believe that you could have achieved your current physique with out the use of AAS. It seems like you know what you are doing with training and diet to get where you are now so if you want to look that way or better when you hit 40yrs old you need to stop using the drugs and max out your natural potential first. I think you have a lot of natural potential so don't short-circuit it by using AAS to early.

Wildcats358's picture

Great job brother. Nice and cut up. +1

connorlm's picture

Was just going off the scales! Whether they're accurate or not I don't know, I haven't been below 210 for a long time now and that's using various scales - perhaps I was holding onto extra glycogen weight or something.

whitechocolate's picture

Ur too young..

Pale's picture

x2! And you need to eat..

naxhma's picture

Unfortunately, he didnt post this up for you to criticize his age.

whitechocolate's picture

Some people don't ask for the things they need..