giardap's picture
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+ 7 The perfect boiled egg


This is how you make the perfect boiled egg. As fsr as I am concerned, there is no other way.

Pan of water on a rolling boil
Salted water to reduce the boiling point of the water which can help make up for cold eggs.
Put the egg(s) into the water and boil for exactly 4 minutes
Remove the pan from the heat and let it sit with the eggs still in the water for exactly 4 minutes.
Then peel immediately and eat

Nom nom nom

0newheelup's picture

Nice bro.. I'm sure these are great eaten right away, but can u save them for later meals?

giardap's picture

I might be the wrong man to ask, as I drink raw eggs, so I'd say sure, why tf not! But I only eat these hot, if you got something to dip into the yolk..... nom nom!

Fangsharp's picture

Just tried this. Awesome bro....thx. Always like new ways to cook food. A+

HomebrewedII's picture

Add a tsp of baking soda, makes the eggs peel so much better, assuming their fresh. ;)

giardap's picture

Top tip!!! Nice one!

enhanced-anabolics's picture

I'm all over this method it's on my breakfast list in the morning Smile

MegaTRON13's picture

I’ve never thought to eat them like that. Looks amazing bro! I about to go make some now lol thanks broski

giardap's picture

Haha enjoy!

JARHEAD2's picture

Oh mate, your yolk isn’t done.. yuck LOL

giardap's picture

Oh its done trust me lol
Think medium in steak terms.... not for everyone (texture probably) but cooked perfectly it cannot be beaten!!!

333's picture

This isn't what I seen but this seems pretty cool

Check out this item at Target

giardap's picture

That looks class! Im gonna see if i can find one on this side of the pond
+ for innovation!!

333's picture

I seen a add for the perfect egg boiler if I see it again I'll post it but it will cook it many ways even like yours +1

stairmaster's picture

Great post! Now I'm hungry...


giardap's picture

Eggs for a snack!!

Sam I Am's picture

Looks perfect. I only eat the whites. I eat 12 to 18 everyday. Great thread.

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MegaTRON13's picture

I use to eat that myself, until my wife was getting sick of my egg farts LMAO. I’d clear out an isle at the grocery store lol

GrowMore's picture

You animal

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giardap's picture

Yeah Im similar to that. I tend to rotate protein sources but when im on the eggs its 8 eggs in any given meal depending on time of day could hit 40 sometimes but i strip the yolks out at a point usually breakfast (eat those raw in milk) or bedtime

stairmaster's picture

Damn Sam 18 eggs daily, thats a lot but an excellent protein source Smile

Sam I Am's picture

6 for breakfast with cottage cheese and steel cut oats. Two egg white sandwiches on rye. That’s twelve. Some nights I eat six more at dinner. I pretty much eat the same everyday except for dinner. I like Greek yogurt to.

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333's picture

Dam man how is your cholesterol

Jayzgainz's picture

Im gonna hear it but I think boild eggs are horrendous! Dont get me wrong. I eat scrambled every morning and I love a fried egg over easy so I can dunk my toast in the yolk. Hell even a poach egg in eggs benedict is yummy. But something about boiled eggs turns me off. I think its the smell and how they feel. Slimy but solid at the same time. Ugh...
My boys eat them like candy. Just not for me. Lol. Enjoy....

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giardap's picture

Id say you'd hate 'Irish egg in a cup' then !
Get a load of hard bouled eggs (whatever way you like) mash them up with Irish butter and salt

Its..... well..... it's like the putter patter of angels dancing across your tastebuds

Jayzgainz's picture

Uggh no thanks bro. Thats making my stomach do flip flops thinking about it.

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giardap's picture

Haha it'll do that for sure!!

Gettingbig's picture

No more boiling I just got a pressure cooker and hard boiled eggs perfect in 5 min it steams them.
I love this new thing its the 8 in one slow cooker rice cooker pressure cooker the thing does everything.

I love some hard boiled eggs just ate 6 for my second meal lol

Sam I Am's picture

I’m going to try that.+

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Engineereddisaster's picture


Jayzgainz's picture


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giardap's picture


Jameshobbis's picture

My favourite the of egg! Gotta love a good poached egg with a little salt and pepper! I take my hat off to you sir! They are some good eggs +1

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giardap's picture

Share your method for poached eggs bro
I can never gettem right

Manshit's picture

the easy way is to put the egg in a plastic bag and sues vide them.

giardap's picture

I tried that but the plastic sort of melted grrrr
Any way around that?!

Manshit's picture

You have to use the correct type of bag.Search for bags used for sues vide cooking.You also don't need to keep water boiling.Bring it to a boil and turn it off.Then put the bag in,if the pan is still on the stove the bottom will be hot enough to melt The after.Another method is to use a tea kettle.Heat water but bag in a bowl or pan and then add the water.

Gettingbig's picture

Poached eggs are great also. I have a little tray that you use to put into the water to hold the egg together so it doesn't fall into pieces. I like them soft poached on top of a slice of bread.

giardap's picture

That sounds amazing. Is it a profuct you can buy or a rig you made??? I always tuin poached eggs. ... can never get the swirl right

Gettingbig's picture

I actually bought it at a kitchen type store i don't know the name went with the wife one shopping trip that was worth it

Jameshobbis's picture

I do them the exact same way mate. Depending on whether I want them a bit runnier in the middle I'll adjust the time but that's about it

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giardap's picture

Ah the pic isnt mine
Just for illustration LoL
Neg away ;-)

Its allllll about the method!!

Jameshobbis's picture

Haha I will keep the +1 there just for the post ;)

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giardap's picture


GrowMore's picture

Giardap I never had you pegged as an amateur until now.

First off you haven't mentioned weather or not you keep he eggs in the fridge as well as the size of the pan as these all add to the boiling time.

Also protip: after boiling pop the eggs into cold water for easy pealing and keeping the yolk runny if you want a soft boiled egg.

Plus 2 for the photo. I've gone made some eggs myself now

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Jameshobbis's picture

Always got to run under cold water otherwise im burning the shit out of my fingers for 5 mins trying to peel!

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giardap's picture

Same! Cold water Nd teatowl are yoyr friends!

giardap's picture

No its 4on 4 off end of story. Salt accomodates perfectly!
Give it a go!!

Manshit's picture

They look perfect!

giardap's picture

Oh they are!
A little cajun seasoning on them or salt + butter