Sepeti522's picture
  • 21

Regaining muscle for NFL Pro Day


As most know, the NFL combine and pro days are coming up soon at all major universities in america! At these events NFL scouts record tests which include the followoing:

-40 yard dash
-225 lb bench press
-Vertical leap
-Broad jump
-3 cone L drill
-20 yard shuttle
-60 yard shuttle

I started at defensive tackle for a pac12 team but was unable to play this year due to injury and personal issues. When I was playing i weighed 290 but am down to 245 now. I felt 290 was too heavy and made me sluggish and want to get to between 265 to 270 for increased speed and agility. I am naturally very strong but need to gain much of that strength back. I have multiple cycles and stats are currently

14 % BF

I have prepped myself mentally and physically and am ready to go balls to the walls %110 EVERYDAY CT FLETCHER style

-Most importantly STRENGTH GAINS
-Power and explosiveness
-Speed and agility
-low bodyfat

Now i know gear does not increase speed per se and that is all due to training and flexibility but I have access to the amazing training equipment, training coaches, and rehab equipment. So Here is my proposed cycle but am very very open to suggestions and would like all help:

16 week cycle:
Wk 1-16 sustanon 750 mg/Wk
Wk 1-4 dbol 30 mg/day
Wk 1-16 NPP 600 mg/Wk
Wk 1-16 masteron 500 mg /Wk
Wk 10-16 anavar or tbol
Wk 10-16 Clen and t3

Aromasin and caber on hand as needed

PCT: Normal clomid, nolva, and hcg (hcg will be throughout)

Also might run 3-4 iu high throughout along with ghrp 6 and cjc1295

I don't know my test scores right now but will test soon and post them.

I'm very open to criticism and suggestions so let me know what you think.
Thank ya'll very much for the help and support

Duck4life1's picture

Go Ducks

Sepeti522's picture

Any responses guys?? So basically after all the help from you guys and also due to circumstance changes i am now doing pro day next year, I've changed my cycle. So I'll drop the clen, t3, var, masteron, and still debating about the NPP and tbol.

---------So please help one last time with my new revised planned cycle (and please remember I am now training for NEXT year pro day and due to injury and all the weight I've lossed, BULKING is the focus---------

Here's my plan:

  1. Week 1-17 SUST 700mg/wk (possibly drop to 600, it comes in 350 mg/ml)
  2. Week 1-around 4to6 DBOL 30mg/ed
  3. Week 1-16 EQ 600-700mg/wk
  4. And finally wanting to run NPP around 300mg-wk mostly for joint support and also since I have over a year now for testing. But Since I am hearing mixed things between everyone I just want to ask one last time? If consensus says it's okay, I'll run it (since I already have it in stock from a while ago) but if consensus says drop, it's out of there!

Have plenty of aromasin and caber on hand. Also have hcg and some arimidex.

And due to complaints here's my cycle history

1 Test E 10 weeks 500mg

2 Test C 12 weeks 500mg, Dbol 1-4 weeks

3 Test C 12 weeks 600mg, NPP 1-10 weeks 450mg, Dbol 1-4 weeks 30mg-50mg, Tbol 8-12 weeks 70 mg

Thank you anybody for the help/criticism/suggestions/whatever you got

Sepeti522's picture

So due to stress and other personal problems my goals have changed. I'm focusing now purely on bulking. So here's my plan:
Week 1-16 Sust 750mg/wl
Week 1/4-6 dbol 30-50 mg/wk
Week 1-16 EQ 700-800 mg/wk
Week 1-8 NPP 300 mg/wk (purely for joints and since I have a whole year now) and yes I know but it can be detected longer than that but I'm so injury prone and when I ran it my first time the benefits on joint pain is worth it for me. ao now what do you guys think? I prefer aromasin and have plenty, also have caber just in case. Plus Clomid nolvadex and hcg. Last q I have is I have a ton of primo just sitting around, and I plan on running one more cycle before next years pro all on short esters to Lean up. Should save the primo for them or just lot even use it in either? As you can see I'm not offended easily but just want to learn from you Guys who know your shit. Even if you say scrap everything I'll be open, I just ask for no negative offensive comments! Thanks again everyone

Sepeti522's picture

Thank you for respectfully replying to my response. I try to be as receptive and humble as possible on here because I know your guys knowledge surpasses what I'll ever learn in a lifetime and I see too many people who think they know it all and blow off advice from gurus such as yourself. (That being said, I've still spent literally hundreds of hours researching all aspects of cycling!) but k lets get too it. So basically I have about 14 months until next years pro day and my plan is to run 2 cycles in that time. This cycle was all about gaining my weight and strength back that's why I have the dbol in there ( I've ran it before and got amazing gains.) and maybe I never mentioned but I've ran tbol before and LOVED it. Strength went through the roof. so My thinking was use dbol for this cycle as size and weight gain is primary goal. And then is tbol in my last cycle towards next year. And thank you for correcting my eq dose. I hear so many different things it's hard to decide how to correctly dose it. But ok so how how about I make these changes and make this my cycle plan and let me know what you think

Sust 750 mg
Dbol 30 mg only 4 weeks
Eq dropped from 800 to 600 mg
And I would like to run the NPP primarily for joint support. I started at defensive tackle in the pac 12 so if you're American and like football you can imagine the damage that puts on my joints. If you think I'll be ok since I have 14 months and I don't even think they test on pro day, only in mini camp which would make it 16 months away, running NPP for 8 weeks around 300 mg?

Thank you so much! And like I said tbol will for sure be used in my winter cycle but if you still think I should use it now over the dbol, tell me and I will drop it! Thanks!

Roid Noid's picture

way to much oil.

sust is to high
d-bol possibly to high and certainly to long
EQ to high
NPP bin it

revise and come back with new cycle plan.....Just to give you an idea, ive ran over 20 cycles easy. my current cycle is 600EQ, 500 test-e, 350 deca, you shouldnt even need that much

Sepeti522's picture

Hey Roid Noid, thank you a ton for the quick reply! I totally respect your suggestions and have my changes. I just responded to colonel Jessup with my changes and response. I am only responding one time with my defense and promise now whatever further advice I'm going to accept and not argue over. I'd just appreciate you looking at my reply and see if my changes are good enough or if it still needs more changing. Like I said, between you and CJ, I will combine both your replies and no longer try and argue my point. Just trying to stay humble and respectful because I know you guys are helping me when you have no idea who I am or obligation. Which o really do appreciate. Hope to hear from you guys soon.

Sepeti522's picture

Hey my apologies to everyone! I hope I can still get some support and advice. So first off Roid Nois I am 26 and ran 3 and a half previous cycles. Had to stop halfway through due to inure. First was test e only. Second was dbol And test. Third was test NPP dbol kick and finish with tbol. I know, bad idea with two peals. But I really appreciate the advice everyone and just to comfort every one I never ran that cycle. I almost lost my mom around that time to Health issues and she's gone through 3 very major surgeries so I put life and pro day on hold for this year. Now I have a whole year to prep for next year which gets me so Gitty and excited. But I appreciate the advice from EVERYONE!! Seriously. And I'm gonna completely change my cycle from the advice so tell me what you guys think of my new proposed cycle and any changes need....

Roid Noid's picture

I havent been in the forums for a while but i see im rusty, not the little fucker that runs around the site either! The post has no previous cycle history, and NO AGE! Got me on this one, need to sharpen my knife again...

Sepeti522's picture

Okay so I'm 26 soon 27 and cycle history on previous post.:

So due to stress and other personal problems my goals have changed. I'm focusing now purely on bulking. So here's my plan:
Week 1-16 Sust 750mg/wl
Week 1/4-6 dbol 30-50 mg/wk
Week 1-16 EQ 700-800 mg/wk
Week 1-8 NPP 300 mg/wk (purely for joints and since I have a whole year now) and yes I know but it can be detected longer than that but I'm so injury prone and when I ran it my first time the benefits on joint pain is worth it for me. ao now what do you guys think? I prefer aromasin and have plenty, also have caber just in case. Plus Clomid nolvadex and hcg. Last q I have is I have a ton of primo just sitting around, and I plan on running one more cycle before next years pro all on short esters to Lean up. Should save the primo for them or just lot even use it in either? As you can see I'm not offended easily but just want to learn from you Guys who know your shit. Even if you say scrap everything I'll be open, I just ask for no negative offensive comments! Thanks again everyone

TheFlash85's picture

your info looks awesome to me..............

Roid Noid's picture

like riding a bike! well, true story, I used to ride my 20" bicycle all over the place, crazy jumps and corses through dried up river beds and mountains, ride all fucking day long without getting winded. and then I got my license and never looked back! SO I drive by this yard sale about a year ago and they got a bunch of 20" bikes for sale at a good price and I think to myself ill ride to the gym as its not to far away(like 4 miles). Get the bikes, bring them home and a few days later my buddy down the street is hosting the UFC fights, jump on the bike and coast down there, a little awkward but i got this, but notice I said "coast". Yeah so on the way home I had to pedal, up the little grade that never ends, my legs were fucking on FIRE! sets of 8 cool, sets of 500 JESUS CHRIST....LOL

Roid Noid's picture

No I gave the bike to my brother a few months ago

I had a few, Haro, mongoose, redline, but my pride and joy was a quadangle. I was riding that and my boy was riding a PK ripper. Good times....

TheFlash85's picture


TheFlash85's picture

wtf? might as well just take amphetamines, shaking my fucking head.

test prop is preferable, except the pinning and possible pip.

test e is what you should be looking at with ai dosed properly according to bloods, eq is a possibility.

all the rest is a dogs breakfast for your goals................... a bit of test is enough for extra stamina, strength and power, its really all you should be looking at as your not prepping for stage, all that junk you listed aint gonna help.

Sepeti522's picture

Ok how about this change?

So due to stress and other personal problems my goals have changed. I'm focusing now purely on bulking. So here's my plan:
Week 1-16 Sust 750mg/wl
Week 1/4-6 dbol 30-50 mg/wk
Week 1-16 EQ 700-800 mg/wk
Week 1-8 NPP 300 mg/wk (purely for joints and since I have a whole year now) and yes I know but it can be detected longer than that but I'm so injury prone and when I ran it my first time the benefits on joint pain is worth it for me. ao now what do you guys think? I prefer aromasin and have plenty, also have caber just in case. Plus Clomid nolvadex and hcg. Last q I have is I have a ton of primo just sitting around, and I plan on running one more cycle before next years pro all on short esters to Lean up. Should save the primo for them or just lot even use it in either? As you can see I'm not offended easily but just want to learn from you Guys who know your shit. Even if you say scrap everything I'll be open, I just ask for no negative offensive comments! Thanks again everyone

Roid Noid's picture

I personally wouldnt run any of that. A simple test-e or c cycle would achieve your goals. to many people believe that adding in a lot of stuff is gonna make you grow more, it just isnt true. diet and training are what matters. D-bol=water weight and sluggish, Sust=unstable blood levels, NPP great for what you want=long detection times, clen and t3 just fuck no=i hate that shit way to dangerous and so bad for your heart, mast=dry you out... var and t-bol=maybe, im not to hip on var and high volume training, t-bol could work for your goals but at the beginning of the cycle not the far as HGH and peps? cant give you much feedback on that the stuff fucks me up...

Sepeti522's picture

Thank you for the input and point taken! What do you think abou these changes?

So due to stress and other personal problems my goals have changed. I'm focusing now purely on bulking. So here's my plan:
Week 1-16 Sust 750mg/wl
Week 1/4-6 dbol 30-50 mg/wk
Week 1-16 EQ 700-800 mg/wk
Week 1-8 NPP 300 mg/wk (purely for joints and since I have a whole year now) and yes I know but it can be detected longer than that but I'm so injury prone and when I ran it my first time the benefits on joint pain is worth it for me. ao now what do you guys think? I prefer aromasin and have plenty, also have caber just in case. Plus Clomid nolvadex and hcg. Last q I have is I have a ton of primo just sitting around, and I plan on running one more cycle before next years pro all on short esters to Lean up. Should save the primo for them or just lot even use it in either? As you can see I'm not offended easily but just want to learn from you Guys who know your shit. Even if you say scrap everything I'll be open, I just ask for no negative offensive comments! Thanks again everyone


WTF!............ i want my buddy Monstar back ;(

i can see the fried chicken jokes coming thick and fast............... lol

pass me "Jessops bucket" lol...... gimme 10 pieces of "Jessops" and a diet coke.............. lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!

Sepeti522's picture

Hey Viking, I feel like a lowly peasant coming to the king of the land but I just responded to RoidNoid and ColonelJessop and hope you could take a few seconds to chime in and add a little advice! It would be much appreciated and just know I'm completely open to any Critisism and advice and just want the best help possible for setting up the best cycle possible. I am trying to straight bulk. I was a starting d tackle in the pac12 at 290lb and am down to 250. So my goal is to get up to around 295 by next June and getting my bench and squat back up. I am planning on doing 2 cycles in between. I also want to break the 225lb bench press combine record which is 49. I've got up to 45. Last 5 years in combine the highest has been 39. But yeah any advice would be so greatly appreciated. Thanks and I also understand if you're too busy to respond. Just thought I'd try asking. Thanks

Roid Noid's picture

lol.... thats fucked

Catalyst's picture

I've got this image in my head now of Jack Nicholson advertising KFC......

tonytulo's picture

I think its great ill change his pic to a bucket of KFC when hes isn't paying attention.



Nice one T.......... U DA MANG Smile


;)......... i thought you would like that ........ nice to see you active brother Smile

SenseiMiagi's picture

I can understand the importance of your combine grades to NFL scouts. You are at a dissadvantage due to no playing time last season. All it takes is a foot in the door, and your financial options are there. However, you take considerable risk by cycling like this to achieve the numbers as drug testing is obviously on the rise, and until you are an established star you may not have access to ways to bypass these tests. All these risks aside...speed should be your focus here. Strong men are a dime a dozen in the NFL, especially among interior lines, the only thing that seperates them is speed and technique. 270 lbs is too small for an NFL tackle, more realistic to transition to end or outside linebacker, stay in the 250 range, and train for speed (pass rush).

You are trying to do too much with this cycle. Power, size, strength, speed, and cut bf? Too much. AAS does not make the player, so focus on speed training and supplement to assist this IMO. Masteron, clen, t3, NPP, and dbol are worthless for what you are trying to achieve. Performance>aesthetics for NFL scout attention.

These are only my opinions. I too was a collegiate defensive lineman years ago. Not quite at 1A level, but played with amd against some outstanding players that were able to make the jump as active players on NFL rosters. Good luck to you.

Makwa's picture

You are trying to do too much with this cycle. Power, size, strength, speed, and cut bf? Too much.

I'd have to agree. Reminds me of someone wanting to become a bodybuilder and thinking that they can be one after one cycle by doing the famous all in one cut and bulk cycle.

chunkypbnj's picture

I take it you will be getting an "oil change" to ensure clean piss. Nice catheter up the urethra! Aren't the combines blood tested now, though?

Owes a Review × 1
Livelife76's picture

Cycle is trash. Seriously, trash.

Don't do it "John"

Sepeti522's picture

Okay, I'm okay with you saying that... Could I just get a little advice on what might be effective? The dbol is to add on a lot of the weight that was lost. The NPP for joint support and since I've seen fantastic results from it before. And the mast and tbol/var is for the lean gains. I acknowledge you most definitely have vast wisdom over aas than me so can I get some advice?

Livelife76's picture

Starts off "He"
Ends "I"

I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm really not, but come on man..

Sepeti522's picture

Ok,editing done

Sepeti522's picture

Ohh what the hell, I'll just edit it and state it's for me. I just don't want any issues with the NFL. But eff it. Yes I'm trying to get back in shape for my pro day as I was selected as a mid season first team all conference dtackle 2 years ago. But this year I had an injury and personal and family struggles that prevented me from playing. But life is good now and I just need to get myself back to where I was and need to fast. With 5 years of constAnt professional nutritional support from my university, which medical program is very prestigious, and being an exercise science major I feel I'm okay in the diet and training area. I just need some aas help. Trust me I've spent hundreds of hours reading and researching but nothing beats real life human advice. So I'm hoping you can help me. Sorry for the whole John thing, just nervous rightfully so seeing the position I am. But I would love help. Thanks

Sepeti522's picture

Sorry Tron, I completely understand you're request but "John" just gets nervous posting anything in the first person since he has agents telling him if he gets himself back in shape he has a very good chance of making it to mini camp and if he does, he does not want anything that could jeopardize his chances as the NFL has MANY MANY resources. But if you will only respond to "John" I'll get him on here to respond and accept all and any suggestions and help! I know he'll be beyond grateful for the help