selecta's picture
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First cycle arimidex question


I am about to start my first cycle next week. Straight Test enan for 12 weeks taking 250mg every 5 days, followed by pct, havent decided on nolva only or Clomid/Nolva yet but have both on hand.

Not going to bother with HCG as from what i have read on a low test cycle it is possibly overkill, but if i end up needing it i can source easily.

My question is that i have decided i want to include an AI through the cycle to minimise oestrogen especially water retention, but do i start it on week 1 when i start the test jabs or wait until approx week 4 for the test to kick in?

Also, i understand that i should use the bare minimum of adex to minimise the sides but not interfere with gains so what would be a good starting point do you think? I have read of people sayin 0.25 e3d, eod or 0.5 e3d/eod.

Modified's picture

Take adex from the very beginning of cycle. Do not risk developing gyno. Try 0.5 mg EOD to start. You want just enough to almost eliminate water retention but not enough to reduce sex drive or cause joint soreness. Labs are the only way to know for sure. ( female hormone panel, $50 with web coupon.) Estradiol should be 20-30 pg/ml.

Steve97653's picture

Cheap Arimidex - I received the order and it was on time and the pills work great.

OmNom's picture

Sometimes the stuff starts kicking in on week three for me instead of four. Pay attention to if your face ever bloats or bloating in general or itchy, sore nips.

selecta's picture

So you are saying if i experience no bloating etc dont take it >?

OmNom's picture

No no no. You should still take it by week four even if you don't have sides but some guys don't show sides with high estro.. youll know if you do. What i meant is IF estro sides kicked in early just start it early.

UKM's picture

Nolva and Clomid for pct 40/40/20/20 and 100/100/50/50

adex at week4 starting at .25 eod IMO

run it until pct

selecta's picture

Thanks mate, super quick response Smile

UKM's picture

I would suggest you submit your suggested cycle on the cycle log section. You can tap into the massive wealth of knowledge on here.