Nitti's picture
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+ 1 Strange Side Effect


So i'm planning on using a test only cycle in the near future. High doses! Maybe not high to some of you but definitely high for me. More than a Gram a week. I have never used more than 800mg/ew and quite frankly, I haven't done that often. Depending on the secondary compound I like to keep it as low as I can. Anyway, after talking to someone tonight I started thinking about a strange side effect I get when I have huge spikes in my test level. It happens with TNE and High doses of prop (200mg+). While everyone else ranted and raved about how amped they were on Tne, I was scratching my head. I would pin 100mg pre-workout. Go to the gym and feel slightly more focused, a little jolt maybe. but also felt kinda shaky and weak, similar to that feeling clen gives you. By the time I would get home, as soon as I sat down I would pass out. I mean CRASH! Like I swallowed a fist full of benzos. Every time I used it, same reaction. Tried it from a different source, same shit. Haven't given it much thought until recently. I got some test prop-250. I pinned a full ml recently (250mg) just to gauge my reaction to such a high dose. Well the next morning I had all the normal sides (libido up, strong wood) but I felt so damn tired. i thought "Maybe I need to eat more". Didn't help. Somehow got through an entire work day walking around like a zombie went home and fell out. Crashed again, just like with the tne. So my question is, has ANYONE ever experienced this? Is it a spike in test that does it? If so, WHY? Why are others enjoying the great effects of high test cycles while someone like me is feeling like laying down wherever I am and going to sleep? Is this what will happen on a Long ester test at high doses? Any and all insight is welcome. I sure as shit can't figure it out or find anything concrete on the web related to this topic.

Nitti's picture

So basically all these chemicals will say the same thing for the most part on these safety profiles.

gatorbits's picture

I'm by know means creating conspiracy

My statements are valid
I simply provided the msds which has a. 2 for health so it's moderately toxic!
That is all I said
And I only did so because others had worries about this and may feel sick from this ingredient and have the right to know all about anything they inject

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gatorbits's picture

And yes I do have a Chem back ground
College level although not post graduate
But I'm currently in the pharmaceutical and health medical surgical industry's
RN PA MD PT. maybe one of those don't wanna be to specific haha

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gatorbits's picture

To determine the toxic nature we would have to know that ratio but in terms of volume and weight by mass of milligrams
Perhaps you could know your own actual amount of Gua per vial
And say its 500mg total or something similar
Well that's well below the lethal dose

Please remember even aspirin has an LD 50 and drugs are used that are toxic daily and the body clears them out
I'm not at all advising using toxic substances
I don't even really advise any oral steroids bc they are toxic too
So it's the same idea
50mg dbol is unhealthy but. 500mg is lethal
So that's what matters the total weight on substance "x" by Mg

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mjunkie's picture

Yup i have the same thing, i can't figure out what it is, i asked my doc about it and he said it was coming from high BP from water retention, so i took a diuretic for quick relief, and the waters all gone but i still have extreme fatigue, i can literally fall asleep anytime anywhere, i really hope it's not the guaiacol though cuz almost everything im using now has that shit in it

Muffins's picture

My blood pressure was getting high. I had thought that myself and was why I stopped.

mjunkie's picture

Yeah i don't plan on stopping lol i just want this side to stop, there's got to be a solution...i just haven't found it yet

Nitti's picture

I think it's the guaicol bro. Try a test p without it for a week and see if it goes away. I'm gonna try this myself

mjunkie's picture

Thing is that i'm on long esters, so it'll take some time to see, but i'll try a diff lab without the guaiacol in it anyway and wait to see what happens

Muffins's picture

I was doing a gram a week of test. I was tired as shit. I had the same as what you describe. I thought I was lacking food also, and in some instances it helped but I would still crash. I'd fall asleep at work. There is always a nap after I workout. I had my AIs in check also.

Nitti's picture


cj0cj0's picture

did you try lowering the dose on the tne? try 50 mg

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Nitti's picture

Yes. Didn't work. Also lowered the test p dose and mixed it with another compound. Less lethargic but that feeling was still there. I think Levelup hit the nail on the head. I didn't even think of solvents. Anytime I used anything with guaicol this happened. I know it's guaicol because of that funky smell. Both sources told me they used it for these compounds. It looks like my body don't like it

levelup's picture

do they both use the same solvent? heard of some people having lethargy from guaiacol

Nitti's picture

Interesting. yes, Guaicol

levelup's picture

I have a threshold, about 130mg is all I can take of tne, anymore and I get the crash about an hour and a half later, usually I can get thru it bc at about an hour after pinning I drink a scoop of preworkout

Nitti's picture

As a matter of fact, both times the tne sources used guaicol as well. Now I have some homework.

Drywallstar's picture

Great post bro. Interested to see some experienced comments. I also get the same kinda of feeling from some pre workouts. Lethargic shaky weak but mind going super fast. YUCK

Billy Goat's picture

Have you checked your blood pressure? High blood pressure makes me tired.

Nitti's picture

Yes, monitored 2 sometimes 3x a day during cycle. Always in normal range. Sometimes a little high after a workout but thats to be expected

hypnoso's picture

IT happens to me when my estro gets to high. I get so fun-ing tired all the time. Haha im going through it right now from VIPS though. LOL

Nitti's picture

Ok, and I could understand that. I know what it feels like to have high estro. That isn't what this is. It is obvious to me that it is a direct result of the testosterone. No way it has a chance to aromatize in 2 hours (tne) and cause me so much grief. Same with the prop250. A shot at 10pm. By 6am i'm feeling like I can't walk with my eyes open. Feel like a blob of jello. I am consistent with my aromasin. 12.5 e3d has always been sufficient.

hypnoso's picture

This is very strange, I wonder if it's just your body readjusting to the compounds and hopefully it will wear off. That sucks bro.