redone's picture
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PRIMO , ANAVAR and blood work look like?


Anyone here happen to know what would be expected to look out for on your blood work when running Primo and or Anavar together or separate along with a steady base of test cyp (trt base)

Doses I am personally considering are

Primo - 500mg per week
Anavar - 50mg/day
test cyp - anywhere between 300-400mg per week

12 week cycle with cutting and endurance in mind with hopes of mild strength gains

Does the primo or var effect anything in particular such as elevate test more that trt dose would?, hemoglobin, estrogen, etc,?

Any dramatic effects on blood pressure?

Feel free to add any side effects you have experiences and or any cycle experience you have used in the past with a combination of these substances.


irongame427's picture

This is your first cycle, forget about the primo, forget about the var, since your already on 370mgs of test a week run bump your test up to 500-600mg ew for 10-12 weeks. But bro do you even workout? Serious question. You should just get your diet in order get on a good lifting program and you'll make great gains. 370mgs ew is more then some people run for there firet cycle. I've known a few guys who have ran 250mgs ew for there first cycle and gained over 20lbs. First cycle is Alwuas test, not primo not anavar nothing just test.

redone's picture

Whats up irongame,

Yes, I workout 6 days per week with more focus on mma. What kind of test were you doing and how often were you pinning?

irongame427's picture

ok, just making sure, it kinda seemed like you just got on trt and got all excited and want to use gear now. But ive used both test c and e. There difference is the ester on test c is 1 carbon atom longer, making the half life about a day longer. So not much difference. I dont know how that 370mgs a week doesnt have your test levels sky high, your levels are 900ng/dl 7 days after your shot so thats after 1 full half-life. So its safe to assume your close to 2000 a day or two after your shot. That needs to come down or your not gonna respond to a basic test only cycle, your pretty much on one right now, you should be making awesome gains. I would think 200mgs a week would be plently, then when you bump up to 500mgs a week you'll make huge gains. I gained 28lbs on my first test only cycle. test e 500mgs ew for 12 weeks. Added inches to all my body parts and got so much stronger.

redone's picture

How would you recommend using the test for more of a cutting goal set. I would like to crack the 10% body fat level without gaining any more weight. You think primo and var would contribute to those goals?

irongame427's picture

No man, diet is what's gonna get you to your goals not the steroids you use. First cycle=test only , no If ands or buts about it. Second cycle=test only, maybe just maybe an prop kicker 3rd cycle test and maybe an oral for a few weeks. People need to stop underestimating the power of 500mgs of test. Typically it will put you around 4000ng/dl. A normal male produces about 30-50mgs of test naturally and then your gonna jack it up 8-10 times higher on 500mgs a week.. Get these others drugs out of your head. Do some reaearch, run some test cycle and come back in a year or two and will talk about anavar or primo. Diet diet diet I don't care how many steroids you take you won't he ripped without a good diet. Add a good diet to a test cycle and you'll reach all your gals. Or you can do what way to many other people do and try thing to much about the drugs and not there diets and you'll look like shit forever . You should be asking me questions like should I do Keto or should I cycle my carbs not should I use primo and anavar for my first cycle. Post your diet up in the diet sextion. You shouldn't need any drugs to get cut with the trt dose your already on. I'm "on cycle" and I'm cutting and you wana knkw my test dose? 350mgs ew. And I'm on a cycle. You're on "trt" and your dose is 20mgs higher then mine. Sometimes not right here.

zeusmarada's picture

This is a three year old thread as I type this, I know, but this info is worth a bump. Well done on this response, irongame. +1

zeusmarada's picture

And I guess it's no surprise that the OP hasn't been on eroids for three years either. Anyways, this is a true gem, irongame. Great response.

Coconut's picture

What is your cycle history and you need to finish filling in your stats. If your bf% is missing because it's high and if this is the case primo and var will be a huge waste of $. But that being said if this is your first cycle you need to go back to the drawing board bro.

redone's picture

6'2, float around 215-219. I would guess I am around 12% body fat.

No previous cycle's besides slightly abusing my trt cyp for a few months (under my doc's supervision). My levels always came back under 900 (keep in mind thats a blood test 7 days after my last shot) I am super active so we justified increasing my dosage to 370 for the last month or so(I had no problem with it). Just took a blood test on my third day after my shot and it had me in the 1300's .The clinic I was getting my shots at was extremely liberal obviously. My plan is to settle down for awhile now and to start doing bi weekly self injections, tapering down my dosage to where I am below the 850 mark at maximum.

For general sake of info, does var or primo raise any particular red flags on blood tests? Will T levels generally be controlled 100% by test dosage or does the var and primo contribute to those numbers as well? Any particular influence var and or primo will have on blood tests?