jaymoney's picture
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Research chemical labs and pain medicine


I hope I posted this on the right section. Please be gentle.

I was on the right path for five years and had gained a solid 35 pounds over those years. I had went from 165 to holding in 195 while cruising.
I was so happy with my body and life!

While pressure washing one day in my business, I herniated my L5 S1 after I had injured it originally 20 years ago. It was excruciating pain and required a double laminectomy discectomy 9 months later. I had the surgery on April 24th of this year. The surgery was successful as it relief pressure off my left side of nerve but surgeon found scar tissue that had encased 12 major nerves. An MRI five weeks after surgery indicated that I had two other herniated disc and degenerative disc disease. I have not lifted now and almost a year and I'm in constant daily pain. With the new government restrictions on pain medicine I'm trying to find other alternatives.

Does research Labs offer anything in form of pain relief?

This is now a chronic issue and that will not being seen pain relief for a long time. Sucks because at least have one more surgery but I'm going to do everything I can to get all of this fixed and get back in the gym ASAP. Just any information would be gratefully appreciated as well as any suggestions. Just remember me in your prayers and thank you all!

vhman's picture


Tiny_Herc's picture

Kratom. Look into it. A lot of ppl use it to get off pain meds or to replace em altogether