Assbrown's picture
  • 55

This section should be (anything goes) "but not really"


I thought this section was to post random stuff. I guess not. My thread got deleted about my random night out of drinking and car sex. Thanks mods.

Assbrown's picture

Yea i know what you mean. But you guys should probably delete (anything goes) really. Lol

BFG's picture

You nailed it!

popeboy1's picture

there you go trying to sound all smart again using those big words lol

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KMC's picture

"Almost Anything Goes" might be better.

Damn it, I feel like a smart ass.

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KMC's picture

Smile , you must have missed it. Try again.

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BFG's picture


7gothic's picture

Hmmmm..... You could be on to something there.
I'll give you a thumbs up for being understanding about it.

HllwdBdBoy's picture

...and BFG and the other MODS let you guys get away with WAY more than I would (if I were left to my own devices) "I" think if you guys want to chat about what you did last night or what your watching on TV... GO TO FACEBOOK!

My .02

popeboy1's picture

i would have to agree with you tread, 1st of all i hate facebook and how can i respect any ones rep if i dnt see the real you. I have full respect for the rules here and for the mods as well. However i do spend alot of time on this website and i do like bull shitting on here with yall, this is a anything goes forum and i feel like if the ones who arent interested in what goes on here they dnt have to come in here. But at the same time this isnt a place for digraceful conversation such as rape, child molestation or purchasing new orders from savage. We have forums that needs to be heavily monitored and i greatly appreciate the mods and KMC for doing such a great job of it.

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popeboy1's picture

Im saying facebook aint for me, as far as the wife goes she's facebook famous, she has like 500 friends, i dnt even know 500 people. the thing you dnt realize is my wife happens to use the same computer as me so if shes on facebook than how am i suppose to come hang out with my peeps? y do you think she makes so many trips to the grociery store? Hell i dnt drink that much milk, we have like 8 gallons just backlogged in the fridge. lol

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KMC's picture

Hey, hey, hey,................leave me the fuck out of this !!!!

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HllwdBdBoy's picture

thanks tread... and I (would) agree with you IF it would just STAY in off topic, but (you guys) hijack other ppls threads with your witty banter and back and forths and kill the thread of someone seriously looking for input. Don't get me wrong, I'm no hall monitor, and I, too, have been known to "casually mingle" but I am trusted to keep things on track and I try my best to do so in a respectful manner.

OH! and Happy 100!

popeboy1's picture

i can respect that homie you have a good point, so maybe the tread of more serious of a nature needs to be respected and i definatly feel what your saying as ive posted threads like that myself then i get some forum junky like thread or hrdbdygrrrrl to bring in some beer and weed and get everyone fucked up lmao

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7gothic's picture

Dude...when you post a blog that basically says.."I fucked a bitch last night at the her so hard and made her cry.LOL...then I kicked the bitch out of the car..LOL".....Then you can EXPECT it to be deleted.
We have freedom of speech here in the U.S.--but that doesn't mean you can go into a crowded theater and shout "FIRE"!
There's just some things that step over the using racial slurs etc.. that we have to keep in check. It's nothing against you, but really, I know you're better than that. We're all here to help each other not make enemies.

Assbrown's picture


Assbrown's picture

lloool. its cool. i'm just saying they should probably put a sticky and delete the anything goes.

KMC's picture

I didn't see the thread.

but there are always limits.

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