Nitti's picture
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Taking that extra precaution


Most of us deal with UGL the majority of the time. There are a few occasions where I get my hands on Pharma grade Test Cyp from a friend on TRT, but the other 90% of the time I'm dealin with UGL's. I've seen sht that has a watery consistency, I've seen some that look cloudy, sometimes a tiny particle, etc. Because of this I ALWAYS run UGL's through a Whatman before I pin. Even with adding the additional 2ml of grapeseed oil I'm sure I still lose a little product but I would rather be safe than sorry. We've all seen pictures or videos of horrible abcesses and things like that. I'm bringing this up because I recently got an order from a very reputable src on here and the sht was just crystal clear, beautiful! A friend of mine asked why I would waste my time and money filtering such a beautifully clear product. My question is, am I being a little paranoid by running everything through a Whatman? Especially something that looks the way it's supposed to look? I don't do it because I think something's wrong with the gear. Is just a safety precaution. What do you think?

Nitti's picture

Thanks for the feedback guys. I still haven't encountered anyone else who does this. Im actually surprised. I thought I would get a lot of responses by ppl saying they do the same.

KMC's picture

A little bit of paranoia isn't always a bad thing.

Owes a Review × 1
vocor's picture

It's only paranoia if there is no logically reasoning behind the decision. You want to double check and be extra sure, and invest some time, I think that is wise because you can live with the decision.
Is it necessary? Maybe not. Is it paranoia? No. Is it wise? I'd say so because you see the value in doing it.

scootloko's picture

Sounds like a wise idea to me, not paranoid at all

Infamousant's picture

Honestly you could be paranoid but you said it yourself better safe than sorry. I don't think their is anything wrong with what your doing. If it makes you feel better than do it. So you lose alittle product not a big deal. Just my opinion don't stress it

Nitti's picture

I probably am. You know how they say crazy ppl don't know they're crazy, lol. Dude I saw an abcess the size of a baseball on my boys delt. Freaked me out enough to start my little ritual. Maybe I guess I'm the only freakazoid who does this

Nitti's picture

I hear ya bro. I would never let something like that go. The closest I've come is a little bit of an itch and redness from a home brew tren I made. It may have just been te gear. It went away very soon after. I've never had an issue with any gear since I started doing the Whatman thing. Those things are $7 a pop but as far as I'm concerned, it's well worth it. Thanks for the feedback.