Nitti's picture
  • 1.2k

+ 3 Vets only section


A lot of vets around here are hesitant to post or comment on Advanced cycle advice or certain compounds etc in fears of some 18 year old newbie attempting what they see. How about a vets only section for advanced cycles and other things alike? Levels 1 & up or even 2, or 3 and up! I posted a question in the steroid cycles forum and had a few hesitant brothers.

BFG's picture

A new content type will be introduced with the new release.
You will be able to create your own private or public "Interest Groups".

HllwdBdBoy's picture

So would that be invite only from the person who makes the thread?

HllwdBdBoy's picture

I think this a great idea and lends itself to eroids "safety first" policy

Nitti's picture

Ok, how about a 3 day trial upon registration then a bi-annual fee? $25 bi-monthly sounds fair. Shit i'd pay $10 a month. Point is It will do a few things. Weed out trolling, weed out non-sense with people who aren't serious. It will help BFG with running this site which i'm sure isnt cheap. As well as open up the door for expanding (with a surplus $$$) to things like taptalk or an app for android or apple. I think i speak for everyone when i say we don't mind paying to be members. It's a gold mine of information that shouldn't be free. I realize that this has nothing to do with a vets only section but it does. A paying member is more likely to take this seriously so we won't have to be so concerned about posting advanced cycles and ideas. As it stands now, all the heavy hitters are afraid to post certain things out in the open, in fear of having that one 16 year old kid come in and run with everyword a higher ranking member says

robbyd's picture

Please no... hahah I think its better to let the sources pay for the website operation.. 10 bucks a month is too expensive for something like this... its a great forum, dont get me wrong... but some of us here can't handle that. I am not a troll~


Good idea bro... as you and others know well most of the the advanced "heavy" cycles i personally dish out are always done through PM function for safety reasons... only last week i sent some heavy info to Grrrl regarding stacks for females that i would never dream of putting on the boards due to misuse/abuse, so it does prove there are a few members who are interested in pushing the boundaries just that little bit further with aas usage... suzy Bs pre/comp stack comprises 7 elements and low dose tren but i
cannot/will not publish in open forum due to the reasons outlined... but! we have some keen female members who may just want to experiment with said stack just to see where it takes them!... lets see how your proposal goes i hope something comes from it but at the end of the day we always have PM function to fall back on for sharing "sensitive" information.
Also we have to remember as i have been reminded on occasion that eroids is not a bodybuilding site and advanced cycles are really only for bodybuilders not for the wide spectrum of people we have on here,that being said i still would be very careful in what or to who i gave specific advice.

Nitti's picture

We could always just do what we do in PM's but I don't think this is a terrible idea. I can definitely understand the guys/gals who don't want to see this happen because it isn't fair to judge them on their karma. I agree to some extent. We all started somewhere and just because they are new here doesn't make them newbs, but the bottom line, eroids gets more than it's share of newbies. It's a slippery slope when you start getting into the advanced. A good example of what I meant was I am on another board that has a section that only vets can see. They don't have a karma system but a reptation system similar. You get points based on knowledge. So the guys who have earned vet status on that site can see this entire different section that nobody else can see. So it isn't hurting anyone. What daddy don't know wont hurt him? But the ones who have earned that status can speak freely and confidently ,knowing that only other senior members can see it and comment. Now, I am in no way comparing eroids to this o0ther board. there is no comparrison. Eroids is king, bottom line! Just an idea. I don't want to exclude anyone but I don't want to hurt anyone by posting about my super high tren blasts either!


I feel you here brother..lets see what the boss (BFG) can build from your proposal i for one would prob never be out of that section lmao! i would spend that much time on site i may as well buy some shares in eroids

Nitti's picture

Ok instead of excluding someone because they have lower karma how about just a section for advanced discussion where Viking won't be afraid to answer my questions? Lol. I don't (I don't believe anyone else does either) want to exclude anyone or clique up. It's the tren train thing. Guys are afraid to post real commens about it in fear of newbies running with whatever they read. Definitely isn't about cliques bro! And No1 is right, karma doesn't make you a vet but it does make you a vet of this board and since it's not handed out for any reason it does speak for itself. But I still say something can be done. Any other ideas on this?

BFG's picture

I'm not a fan of cliques but if you guys really really want it, we could maybe have some sort of club invite thingie for interest groups going on...

Nitti's picture

I didnt see it that way. I hear ya and it probably sounds bad. Somebody have a better idea? Somewhere that we can speak freely about the advanced topics without fear or reprisal? I'm not trying to clique up with anyone or keep anyone else out. Just speak without fear! That's it

levelup's picture

there are going to be ignorant people that are going to use tren/multiple orals/oral only regardless bc that stupid shit is posted in multiple other places. imo(coming from a newbs prospective) the best thing a vet can do when posting an advance cycle is to give as much info as possible and explain why a newb is not ready for the cycle. a vet should be able to have the same advice/feedback in regards to advanced cycles or harsher compounds that the newbs get for a simple test e cycle and pct bc we all know, learning is never ending....the most important thing is that if you are posting an advanced cycle and a worried about the repercussions of it, post all the material and research you ca along with it. if people chose to not educate themselves then there is nothing you can do about it...just my .02

Nitti's picture

You're absolutely correct! It doesn't. But it does show that your at least have somewhat a clue what you're talkin about ad understand risk and reward in this game. The ONLY REASON I brought this up was ppl bring afraid to answer a basic question about an advanced cycle in fear of noobs reading it.

fast48's picture

On cycle logs we reworked an advanced cycle the other day. Z wrote a warning on it in red to ward off newbs.

massivebeast's picture

I like this idea.