Priapismo's picture
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Powerlifting Meet Cycle


Planning on a Raw meet (should make Masters level classification) and while I've been on several cycles in the past, I've never been on while competing. Planning on a 12 week cycle culminating on Meet Day. Been on tren a couple times and tolerate it fine (using low test/high tren --200/500). Already on TRT, so no PCT needed.

Planning on 200* (see edit below) weekly of Test C and 750mg weekly of Tren E.

Orals will be Var 50mg daily for the last 4 weeks (week 9-12) (if I take that dose any longer, I get debilitating back pumps that limit my lifts) as well as Halo 20mg daily starting 3 weeks before the meet (week 10 and 11) and increasing to 30mg daily the last week (week 12).

Training wise, weeks 10 and 11 will be the most intense with 8 sets of 3 at 85% 1RM and 4 sets of 3 at 90% 1RM, respectively. Week 12 will just be stretching and warm-up work only.

I also have test suspension and tren suspension for the brutal workouts as well as for meet day. Never used before, so will test the waters well before hand to see how I respond. (But would appreciate any feedback from those with experience with suspensions)

Edit: After conversing with some more experienced folks, I've upped my Test C from 100 to 200mg per week (possibly 250)

WeekTestosterone CypionateTrenbolone EnanthateAnavarHalotestin
9200mg750mg25 twice daily
10200mg750mg25 twice daily10 twice daily
11200mg750mg25 twice daily10 twice daily
12200mg750mg25 twice daily10 three times daily
IrishMack's picture

No No No, tren is too high, test is too low, bad idea entirely. withat low test say goodbye to hard ons, with tren that high say hello to lactation. go back to the drawing board. I am a powerlifter and would never choose that as a cycle. Provide more info on what you have done in the past and lets fix this mess.

Priapismo's picture

As I eluded in the description, in the past I've run 200 test with 500 tren weekly on the last 2 cycles. Did great on it. Besides some mild sweating, and the periodic tren cough, I had no serious sides.

I'm already on 100 test weekly for TRT so I'm really not concerned about "performance issues". Also, will be taking caber 0.25 twice weekly. Didn't think to mention it because I'd never take a 19-nor (esp tren) without it... My bad.

Labs done in the past with previous "similar" cycles have been spot on. Of course will be monitoring on this one as well.

I tried 400 test with 500 tren once... Tren sides showed up with a vengeance.

levelup's picture

you using var for a powerlifting cycle? also by that long on tren your tendons and ligaments are going to be shot...i would be rethinking this. halo is in the right spot and i could def see the use of tren suspension at the end especially prelifts but be careful what muscle you put it in bc it could affect your ROM. i am not a powerlifter but have quite a few friends that are and i know they prefer that tren is only used if they need to keep strength while they make weight. looks like you are at the top of the weight so i dont think that is a worry for you. id be thinking about some compounds that would give your joints some cushion with a some connective tissue recovery

Priapismo's picture

Having run this combo in the past, there's never been an issue, but I suppose there's a first time for everything.

I've read Deca, Eq, Primo and Var have documented increases in collagen synthesis. I'm not convinced Eq and Primo would be appropriate in this situation and to be honest, I've not had good experiences in the past with Deca. Var is obviously already included.

GH would be the other big one that would help for those issues, but that's too $$ for me.

What were you thinking?

levelup's picture

Well you can always go the peptide route...seem to be the best thing going right now with all the shit gh there is. Var is minimal as far as college syntheis. Not a huge deca fan either but if I was a powerlifter you bet it would be in my stack. I would probably shorten the duration of the halo 2 two weeks pre comp and be using another oral for strength to go along with to the aggression of halo. As far as oils If the tren has worked for you in the past stick to your guns. I'd probably have test at 250 a week though

KAM1314's picture

I'm not sure about a power lifting standpoint but what about EQ for collagen synthesis? If he has a meet in 10 weeks I know standard eq isn't full blown but what about a bold cyp? You would have to ask your buddies, I can't give a definite answer

Priapismo's picture

Thanks for taking the time for the constructive feedback. Appreciate the input.

levelup's picture

For sure brother anytime

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

Two oral, one being halo.... What can u possibly win that makes hurting you body ok?

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