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+ 1 Get my ass in gear


I hit summer lookin pretty straight. I did Nothing but my Watson trt. With proviron and a dash of cialis of course. Well I'm down to about 208. With a little I don't give a fahhh summer belly. This is a get my ass in gear cycle. No pun swear. Basic type ah cycle. No frills. Let the compounds aid and assist the A-1 diet and beastly training. The must puke light is on. So are the HiVolume Super and tri sets. Rest between is vah-jay-jays. Here's my lazy fuck end of summer pic. The next is what I looked like in March. Bastard!!!
I'm using BD products I got from some months back. Always loved BD test 400 and Andropen. Viking first introduced me to Andropen. Been in my top 2 ever since. Ok men and ladies tell where my snafu's are. Diet is on point like Lebron my lady laid it out. She something like tight with it. Aight le'go!!!

WeekTestobol 400Mastobol 100BD Var
5600mg250mg50mg ed
6600mg350mg50mg ed
7600mg350mg50mg ed
8400mg350mg50mg ed
9400mg350mg50mg ed
10400mg350mg50mg ed
11400mg300mg50mg ed
12200mg200mg50mg ed
13TRT50mg ed
vhman's picture

Nine weeks of Var? Way too long. I would cut that to 4-5 weeks.

vhman's picture

Var is not mild, that's a myth. It's milder than many other orals, but not mild.
I've always run quality var and 50 mg for 6 weeks wrecked my lipids, etc. I hope you get bloods done.
I would still run it for a shorter time, regardless of the MG.

vhman's picture

Everyone is differnt, but I'm glad you're on top of your bloods. You're just guessing otherwise.
The only oral I take now days is provi. The risk is higher than the reward for me.
Regardless, be safe and keep us updated.

Darkhorse777's picture

You need to remove your source from here.. also cycle history is needed.. diet... also whats your goal bulking or cutting

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Darkhorse777's picture

You look like you lost alot of muscle so i wasnt sure if it was a bulk or cut .So i guess your cutting that leads me to ask why dont you bulk than cut?

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Carlos Danger's picture

Also I'm not going to post my damn cycle history every single time I post. If I see a post w/o one I usually use my sense. His name is common. I check their join date. I then click the ole mouse on some of their history. If they have one of any sort. I throw caution to wind and let them make it. This site use to be looser. Now there's 800 mods. Just my 2 cents

Lmfao!!! If you're out there reading this Amen homeboy I'd buy you a drink if we was close for saying exactly why I'll never post my cycles here ever again!!! I think you're shorting the number of mods @800 it's more like 8000. We chased away another good one it looks like.

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Carlos Danger's picture

My bad I stand corrected on my assumption about that. That's HiVolt? Shows how much I pay attention But bro I am still standing firmly on the rest of what I said. Posting public would be eroids suicide for the cycles I run. I just saw a very well known experienced member you and I both know is 100% fully capable and experienced enough to get questioned for his cycle log dosages? Not worth it if you ask me. The mentioned scammer was 100% accurate in his point. Just cuz he's a piece of shit for scamming doesn't make his point lose any credence IMO.

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Darkhorse777's picture

Carlos i know alot of guys with years of aas use under their belt and still dont know shit...he didnt put persay im an advanced user , im using this cycle to harden up and help with my mma training etc etc he put some mumbo jumbo than was a dick for a simple question i didnt comment on any of the drugs or would be nice to either have a new user or advanced user that can actually have a reasonable dialogue with and not get there pussy hurt we are not mind readers and its really not my job to vet someone they should be able to communicate simple things ....unless its sports specific i believe in 2 methods bulking and cutting

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Carlos Danger's picture

Oh this wasn't about you in particular brother. I'm a pretty direct person and if it was about you I would most definitely have replied directly to you. I was speaking mostly to the environment here.
In the end I always open my mouth way too much and regret ever doing it. I'd be better off keeping my mouth shut.

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Darkhorse777's picture

No i understand what your sayin bro too much cookie cutter advice i wouldnt post my runs either my only point really was this highvol guy was a dbag and he really wasn't interested in anything but flapping his mouth ... And i like what you have say bro and your input so dont shut your mouth keep it open i just wanted to let you know i wasnt tryin to be hypercritcal of the op or you

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trenning's picture

By the cycle layout, I'm sure he's trying to get ripped. I complete agree with you with a nice off season. If it was me, I'd just run HGH and some t3 and/or t4 along with an off season stack. Even if the off season didn't put on crazy size, but just to stay super lean. Definitely would save a lot of time and get him back to where he was quicker!