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First Run with Peptides


This is my first run with peptides. I am currently entering my time in between my last pin and my pct. For this log, I plan to provide (at very least) a once per week update chronicling the effects of the peptide cycle. For this peptide run, I will run CJC w/o dac, HgH Frag and GhRP2. I take the CJC/GHRP 3x per day and the frag 2x

Current stats:
17% bf

I will be doing fasted cardio in the morning 3-4 times per week. I am following a carb cycling plan right now and high carb days are only 150-200g. Input on these peptides is welcomed and appreciated.

The cycle I just finished was 400mg TestCyp, 600 bold cyp, with oral tren as a kicker. Got lazy towards the end so I apologize for the puffy look in the pic. Planning a wedding, coaching basketball, work and gym has let me slip in my diet.

I am looking to keep the lean mass I gained on cycle as well as cut down on the fat. I will keep you all posted as I go. I am running frag from MaximPeptide and the CJC/GhRP is from Peptideswarehouse

WeekHGh Fragment 176-191CJC W/O DacGhRP-2
1250mcg/2x Day100mcg/3x Day100mcg/3x Day
2250mcg/2x Day100mcg/3x Day100mcg/3x Day
3250mcg/2x Day100mcg/3x Day100mcg/3x Day
4250mcg/2x Day100mcg/3x Day100mcg/3x Day
5250mcg/2x Day100mcg/3x Day100mcg/3x Day
6250mcg/2x Day100mcg/3x Day100mcg/3x Day
7250mcg/2x Day100mcg/3x Day100mcg/3x Day
8250mcg/2x Day100mcg/3x Day100mcg/3x Day
9250mcg/2x Day100mcg/3x Day100mcg/3x Day
10250mcg/2x Day100mcg/3x Day100mcg/3x Day
11250mcg/2x Day100mcg/3x Day100mcg/3x Day
12250mcg/2x Day100mcg/3x Day100mcg/3x Day
BeastMode5085's picture

Thanks brotha, lets see if I can respond in order.
1.Yes I am doing fasted cardio in the AM. A pin of the frag,cjc,ghrp precede that. I take the second dose of frag before bed. I read that it works best first thing and before bed. I take the cjc/ghrp in AM, in afternoon and post work out. And yes after shots, I continue fast for about an hour then hit with protein/water shake
2.I read the huperzine on another thread so I am ordering some as we speak
3.I am on thyroid meds already so I am not sure I am going to mess with that. I am running bloods on my thyroid again just to check effects of peps on them. if it looks like they have been altered then I will supplement t4 or additional t3.
4.for energy i am using eca stack for 2 weeks then clen for 2 weeks.

Thanks for the input and help. Much appreciated +1