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+ 1 Clen/T3 First cycle


38 Yrs old
BF 18-19%

Got in on the Alin shop promo and got some Clen/T3 to try a 2 week cycle

Taking it slowly and see how it plays out.

bigt1's picture

Good answers. Im in the same situation with bad joints. Diet and cardio it is.

boldone's picture

I'd wait then honestly. I've had a handful of surgeries myself. The fat gain sucks, but don't try too much too fast. What kind of surgery did you have exactly? Bike and elliptical only at this point.

boldone's picture

A bit late, but good luck. How'd it go? Did you get results from the MRI? My knee still isn't the same and it never really will be. All the babying I've done with it and my "good" knee is now my bad knee, and the "bad" knee is the better knee now. The best my knee ever felt was after a month of running daily. The time to get to the month and beyond was painful, but once I got the time in and a good deal of weight off it was like I never had an injury. What do they have you doing for therapy exercises? Are you hitting the bike at all? I was told to stay away from leg extensions because of all the pressure they put on the joint. I have to say though biking daily with light to medium weight leg extensions with perfect, slow, steady form did more for me than the little exercises they gave me. I was also told I could never run, squat, deadlift, box/mma train again. Needless to say I didn't listen to all that. I never really peaked in leg strength before my initial injury. I've had a lot of time off and have been pounding away at the legs like never before ever since. I know if I get another injury, I'd drop a grand that day on HGH. Do you stretch the joint daily? I still have to or I'm very stiff.

boldone's picture

I'd say go with the OATS. I've looked into the stem cell injections. They seem impressive, but they're not widely used often enough, and still seem experimental to me. If I were wealthy I'd go for that, but its a big gamble if you're not. Have you had your knee drained yet? It could be fluid build up or even an infection. I've had both. I'd stick with the bike for now and drop the stepper, unless its the kind where your feet are fixed and not the repeating steps. The hack squat was always good on my knees also. The further to the top of the platform my feet were, the better my knees felt. Same with leg press. If I were in your shoes the only compound on my mind would be GH. I've collapsed after training legs and cardio with clen due to the cramps. If my knees weren't at 100% at the time, it could have been very bad.

boldone's picture

Sounds good to me. Thats what I'd be doing if I had another injury.

Rasputin_Omega's picture

T3 / Clen are not the solution for you to lose weight bro. I'll bet if we're being really honest here, that you've never had a truly clean diet that you stuck with for more than a few months. Any weight you lose with that combo will be back. You have already run Clen twice and there were probably no lasting losses. T3 won't change anything except suppress your natural thyroid.

With a good consistent diet you will get to where you want to be.

Owes a Review × 1
boldone's picture

You're jumping up with the t3 way too fast. There's no need to taper the Clen either. It has a good half life and you get used to it quick. Handle what you can and stop when you're ready. Your body will taper itself off.

boldone's picture

Just stay at 25mcg if you're going to run it. Its a hard enough compound already.

boldone's picture

You misunderstood, it's my fault though. I was saying there was no need to taper it down at the end, the body will already be adapting to it, so there's no reason to do so. Stepping up slowly to what you can handle is kinda of required.

Doss's picture

Tapering the Clen is more for adapting to the dose more gradually. Going clean on it and straight into 80-100mcg will fuck with you.

Nevertheless, I don't think anyone is ever truly "ready" for TSH's, unless they're prepared for the risks involved.

boldone's picture

You misunderstood, it's my fault though. I was saying there was no need to taper it down at the end, the body will already be adapting to it, so there's no reason to do so. Stepping up slowly to what you can handle is kinda of required.

Doss's picture

Gotcha. Yeah, I read that wrong. Skimmed over it on my phone..

boldone's picture

My mistake. I was too short in my post.