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Andromix cycle(cut stack 150) Not sure on AI dosage chime in...


Ive had some andromix tucked away for awhile and decided to give it a whirl... Its test prop 50, mast 50 and tren a 50. Im on TRT but dropped it to run this cycle for 7 weeks. Im currently 10 days in and have no sides..
My goal is to drop a little fat and put on a few lbs of lean muscle. Harden up a bit.

I have researched AIs with this cycle and im getting mixed answers. So I am now HERE !!
Pinning 1MLandromix ED adex .5 e3d and caber .5 once a week.
Sound about right ? comments

Having trouble posting pics. All info in my profile

11 ml ED.5 e3d.5 once/week5iu/d
21 ml ED.5 e3d.5 once/week5iu/d
31 ml ED.5 e3d.5 once/week5iu/d
41 ml ED.5 e3d.5 once/week5iu/d
51 ml ED.5 e3d.5 once/week5iu/d
61 ml ED.5 e3d.5 once/week5iu/d
71 ml ED.5 e3d.5 once/week5iu/d
880mg test cyp/w trt dose..5 e3d5iu/d
80mg test cyp/w trt ..5 e3d5iu/d
propkick2's picture

Thats where i would start with the a.i.. The best thing to do is listen to your body,if you feel the nips getting a little sensitive up it to every other day if you feel the joints getting a little achey then drop it down. The masteron may play into how the test aromatizes so i would start with every 3rd day and take it from there. Bloods 3 weeks in wouldn't be a bad idea either. and I'm hoping you have enough cycle experience to be messing with tren

romangod's picture

I probably do not have enough experience !! I have only run test e/c cycles with orals.. I hd the andro and decided to run it.. Im 10 days in with no ill sides. actually no sides at all. no trouble sleeping, no night sweats, no nipple sensitivity, no agression etc. I ran a bottle of prop before this at 100mg eod with all prop sides prevalent. As far as bloods go, wont the tren throw off the estro readings, What should my test levels be in 3 weeks? I always do bloods ! Not sure what to expect..

Thanks for caring and the advice !!

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propkick2's picture

drop the andromix and go back to trt, you are not ready for tren!

romangod's picture

Thanks prop. You advice is greatly appreciated.

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