scoobydoo's picture
  • 993

+ 12 Kits4Less 574ng/ml on 5iu's a day


This test is from 5iu's a night of the Supreme A. I took the test after 24 days. I had stopped taking it for 4 days about a week and a half before the test. I was having a high RHR issue. It ended up being high prolactin. I thought I was having high estrogen issues because it felt like my lump was coming back. The lump definitely came back while running aromasin. After talking to SeeOhShow, he pointed me in the direction of high prolactin. I stopped the aromasin and started caber. My RHR is stabilizing and my lump is going away.I had stopped the aromasin about a week before the test.
I also take 1700mg of metformin a day for prediabetes. 850mg morning and night.
My hands felt tight and my hands and forearms were numb upon waking. Those side effects got better as time went by.
I have noticeable visceral fat loss and subcutaneous fat loss.
I stopped running the gh about a week and a half ago due to work and not being able to bring it with me.
I also want to say I mixed the vials as if they had 30iu's in them. I did 1.5ml bac water per vial and did 25 units per shot.

Edit: The test was actually 28 days after starting the gh because of the 4 days I took off. I tested after using 4 vials.

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Sterno's picture

This is another great example of K4L excellent quality control ! Thanks for sharing

HailRazor's picture



Wildling's picture

Does the hgh have an affect on the prolactin increase? I was looking to start hgh as I’m getting off of gear for a while ti try to get fertile again. Allegedly the hgh can assist in speem quality as well so now I’m really interested in giving it a try again.

Goodstud's picture

HGH will cause high prolactin for certain individuals and I am now unfortunately one of them.

scoobydoo's picture

Welcome to the club.

scoobydoo's picture

The high prolactin was from the hgh. It may not do the same to you.

AK80's picture

Hmmmm good to know. Can proactively keep that at bay with P5P (the more bioavailable form of vitamin B6) or re-actively with Dostinex/Cabergoline. I've been doing 7.5iu somewhat religiously and luckily haven't noticed any side effects except for the tingly hands in the morning.

CycleUp's picture

Thats good to hear on 7.5iu's! Glad no BAD sides for you!

Goodstud's picture

P5P can help but some might need to use caber it all depends on the individual.

Wildling's picture

Got it. I think I’m going to be prescribed clomid after my next doctor visit. Hoping there isn’t a weird reaction there…

SeeOhShow's picture

See if they can prescribe enclomiphene. Clomid is the mixture of both isomers zuclomiphene and enclomiphene.

All the negative shit you hear about clomid comes from the zu- isomer.

Here’s one of many studies/evidence about how shitty the zu-isomer is and how all the positive shit you hear from clomid is directly related to the en-isomer.

My doctor prescribed me straight enclomiphene. So it is a thing US compounding pharmacies have/can do.

I think I saw a post from you that is about a fertility journey? Trying to have kids? Best of luck on that man. Such a blessing. And seriously harass that doc about enclomiphene vs just throwing clomid at you.

Wildling's picture

lol I have no problem harassing. We have a five year old and my endo put me in straight trt after. I never had an issue with clomid, but I will definitely inquire. Thanks for the knowledge!

MEXVOL's picture

Check .my perfil bloods after come off from everything
Enclomiphene and hcg best way for my after.months on clomid and hcg,hmg wasted alot money

Wildling's picture

I’m not wasting money on hmg and hcg. I’m going to mention the enclomiphene after my bloods are reviewed later this month.

SeeOhShow's picture

I’m just happy I could help with your RHR situation and the undue stress caused by it. Same with the pesky lump. Great score though. I’ve got a bunch of deluxe kits in my fridge Biggrin

scoobydoo's picture

I have a few Deluxe kits too. I think I’ll run that when I get home and get another igf-1 test.

HandsomeLifter's picture

Great numbers man confuckingGrats my bro
More power to you!

In a promo × 1
Rosschestzip's picture

Fucking sweet numbahs guy!!

Oh and I forgot to tell you but I have confirmed without a doubt 10,000% with medical studies, that liver issues absolutely impede your ability to turn exogenous hgh into igf-1. I actually had stumbled upon the data while looking for something else completely but I was going to consolidate whatver data I can find and maybe make a post about it, but I figured I’d let you know since we were talking about it

scoobydoo's picture

I am very interested in that data. (did you notice I used units? Lol)

DeeMan's picture

Lol Scooby I think you and I came to that conclusion a long time how could IGF production not be affected by some sort of liver damage ya know. After all it's produced in the liver. But glad there's a study. But yea you were right with your thoughts about liver damage affecting IGF.

scoobydoo's picture

It was Rosschestzip and SeeOhShow that first brought up high liver enzymes affecting igf-1.

DeeMan's picture

Well I think SeeohShow might of thought that at first but he wasn't too sure if I'm not mistaken. Besides him I think most guys weren't sure. Those studies are just confirmation what I always seemed to believe @scoobydoo

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya it’s definitely been a question because the liver excretes igf-1 naturally so it made since that exogenous use would be effected as well. I had theorized it at one point and a couple guys said they didn’t think so, I kinda forgot about it and then someone( I forget who, if I see the name I’ll know) got two sets of bloodwork that seemed to confirm it, even tho one guys not enough but then I really dug into it. I have 1,000% confirmed it, but I’m not sure if other guys found the same conclusion tho

DeeMan's picture

Yeah just strange how those guys thought liver damage or high liver enzymes wouldn't affect biological IGF production .Guess if ya don't know ya don't know.

Rosschestzip's picture

Well to be fair there was almost no data on it when searching things about bodybuilding and steriods. I had to look up people with growth hormone deficiency AND liver disease and damage and I looked up why people were prescribed incralex.

So if people just did a quick google search it wasn’t obvious. But ya just think about it you would think it would effect it but not everyone is as smart as you and I, Dee lmao

DeeMan's picture

Nah speak for yourself. I'm not smart..

EDIT: yep not much data. I get it

DeeMan's picture

Just common sense that's all. No biggie. Now we all know for sure.

Rosschestzip's picture

I found some more stuff. Igf-1 release from the liver is reduced when there’s a lot of inflammation in the body and specifically in the liver, also diet can effect it a lot but that’s about natural production so idk yet

Rosschestzip's picture

“Relationship between the patients’ GH/IGF-1 levels and anthropometric parameters was analyzed before and after LT. It was shown that LT leads to renewal/recovery of GH-IGF-1 regulation and improved anthropometric parameters”
LT= liver transplant,
So basically only Growth hormone deficient kids with liver failure or chronic liver disease are prescribed igf-1, everyone else with growth hormone deficiency are given just HGH. After these kids receive liver transplants, the hgh starts having postive effects on height, weight, bone length or whatever else they’re testing for.

Rosschestzip's picture

“congenital cholestatic diseases lead to end-stage liver disease (ESLD), where GH bioavailability, mediated through IGF-1, is impaired. Blood IGF-1 levels are decreased due to impaired production by the liver.”

scoobydoo's picture

Thank you

Rosschestzip's picture

There was some others too, but most of what I found was all related to kids getting incralex(igf-1) instead of hgh and basically it seems the only reason they do is because if the liver can’t turn the hgh into igf-1.

But what I want to do is try and find a correlation between taking orals and hgh. Like if your using orals and hgh in your cycle, it might be useless to use the gh after x amount of weeks because your liver enzymes will be elavated so I wanna see if I can figure out an actual timeline guys could follow to not waste gh when using orals. Idk if I’ll be able to actually calculate and quantify the effects but I’d like to try

scoobydoo's picture

Sounds like a plan.

Rosschestzip's picture

Ayy!!….I guess your a big ole nerd when your correcting people on their units of measurement lol

scoobydoo's picture


23Sparta's picture

I’ve actually read and heard conflicting data on metformins effect on IGF-1, either way, matters not because that IGF-1 score is awesome. You’re the reason why I have one of those kits in the fridge right now. I’m happy to hear you’ve resolved the RHR issues. Great news all around.

Goodstud's picture

Metformin will inhibit muscle growth. If on a bulker I wouldn't use metformin.

23Sparta's picture

True, although to what extent in our sport, I’m not to sure. One study I am familiar with the median age of the test subjects was around 70 and they were not on aas.

It is a good point you’ve made. I am only using it while I cruise for pancreatic rejuvenation. I have noticed a fairly remarkable decrease in strength. Something also noted in that study. It’s just hard for me to differentiate what’s a result of using Metformin from what normally occurs when you come off cycle

Goodstud's picture

I used it before while on cycle and then went off and gained more off then on it when I was on metformin. Metformin is a great drug for many purposes but that study still proves that it does inhibit muscle growth. Now on AAS you probably can still gain but not as much as if you were off it. I am pretty sure there were a couple more that I read and I will see if I can find them..

scoobydoo's picture

I had found studies on it too after you mentioned it to me. I wasn't expecting that high of a level. Especially with the low igf-1 numbers coming in. At least there's a bunch of members testing this gh. There's some cheaper international gh out there and nobody is testing it. Pretty much going off of anecdotal evidence. I hope your kit works out good for you. I certainly wouldn't want to be the reason that someone has junk sitting in their fridge. Lol

23Sparta's picture

Yeah, and even the studies aside, anecdotally, in an anabolic minds podcast, Vigorous Steve expressed Metformin having a negative impact on his IGF-1 and Paul Barnett said for him it did not. Both those guys have years of personal experience, bloodwork and data to be able to make those claims.

Either way, metformin is a wonder drug. That fact that you are running a fairly full pull of it, while maintaining a screaming high IGF-1 is an absolutely fucking fabulous place to be imo.

I started like a week ago, 500mg x 2, loving it. Although, I forgot about initial diarrhea side effect that I experience with it and shit my pants. Also have been off growth for about a month. I’m running a peptide right now in lieu.

Haha, no junk bro, I’m certain that’s good stuff. Probably not gonna pull bloods though because my IGF-1 scores are never impressive.

scoobydoo's picture

With metformin, make sure you take it at the same time everyday. 12 hours apart. I set alarms.

Goodstud's picture

Could always asked to get the ER version then you only have to take once a day with less sides

23Sparta's picture

Good info. I’ll do just that and be more exact with my dosing schedule. Respect

scoobydoo's picture

Getting a set schedule made the difference between almost shitting myself and having no issues for me. Lol. Do you have blood sugar issues?

23Sparta's picture

No, I wouldn’t say that I have BG issues outside of the normal wear and tear that comes along with bulk cycles. I’m just anal about insulin sensitivity

scoobydoo's picture

There are studies of lower blood glucose levels extending lifespan. Metformin is also associated with the decreased risk of certain types of cancers

Goodstud's picture

60 minutes did a whole show on anti again and soen like 15 minutes on the current studies they are doing with it in the anti aging aspect. It also helped prevent Long COVID if taken when you got COVID for like 78% or more of people. It is sorta of a wonder drug except for the whole inhibiting muscle growth.

CycleUp's picture

Ive seen a study stating something like this! The risk of cancer that is. A lower risk*

BTW. Isn't Bryan Johnson aka the live forever guy on a good amount of metformin everyday as well because of the multiple studys showing that decreased risk, and general decreased risk of morbidity/what not. Part of the Blueprint actually. I think, pretty sure thats what its called(his approach to live as long as possible) but never actually seen it or looked at/into it.

scoobydoo's picture

I don't know who Bryan Johnson is. I don't follow any of those youtube guys. The Life Extension Foundation out of Hollywood, Florida recommended healthy people should take metformin many years ago. I can't remember the recommended dose.