teamroids's picture
teamroids 273

Estimated T/A: 
Worldwide : 5-31 days / US DOMESTIC : 3-7 days.

Minimum Order: 
No minimum order!

Payment Methods: 
Bitcoin,MoneyGram, Zelle, ETH and Western Union.

Please note

Orders are placed on our web shop
For further contact, use the PM or ticket system.

We offer you top notch products, prices and service!

TeamRoids - the best team ever!

scoobydoo's picture

We'll find out in a little bit when Greg shows up. Lol. I've noticed you've recently been on more. I don't recall seeing you for a while.

meat1's picture

I’ve been on, just lurking in the shadows lol. There’s so much info on here for everything. I’ve been looking into a lot of different stuff.

Musclemem's picture

Sorry for the delayed post. I was in Zmexivo for a week where I caught some parasite blood virus or some shit like that. 1 week in Mexico one we in the Hospital.
Thanks excellent service.

teamroids's picture

thank you brother get well soon!

KonstantViktory's picture

There has been zero progress for over a month on the shipping containment. I am wondering what's going on, is anyone else running into the same issues?

In a promo × 1
Twister83's picture

Same. Two packages over a month out. Both reshipped and a third package not looking good.

meat1's picture

Same issue here.

Twister83's picture

Same going on with me. Been doing business for awhile but shipping has drastically slowed down. One package reshipped still
Nothing on the other two. They have came through everytime though and gone beyond. Assuming it’s a holiday holding them up.

sandman3698's picture

Hey just curious, was that last promo cancelled?

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teamroids's picture

NO ?

Gassedup's picture

How do you send a pm on here?

scoobydoo's picture

You have to be friends with the person you're trying to pm.

Pushing Iron 87's picture

Sent you pm.

In a promo × 1
KonstantViktory's picture

If the product doesn't have any movement or delivery confirmation, I'd like to have my promo tag removed.

Thank you.

In a promo × 1
KonstantViktory's picture

Any feedback on the promotion yet???

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pingree24's picture

I've got nothing yet, says shipped Feb 16th. Almost a month now. Don't know what happening

In a promo × 1
scoobydoo's picture

Probably the same thing that is happening at a few other sources. That holiday really fucked things up.

KonstantViktory's picture

Yeah they had mentioned, Chinese New Year always makes things take a little bit longer. Not necessarily a bad thing. Hell, I've already been able to aquire nearly 3 months of spending money worth of freebies from the promotions here. Can't really complain if they don't send me another $200-$300 worth of EQ lmao. I've got a good clinic to keep my levels high and good diet to stay progressing in the gym. Can't wait to post new progress pics. Will be a completely transformed person. We are what we eat after all. The body is just a formula. With that being said... I'd sure love to get my horse gains on. Can't go wrong with Boldenone... Pretty much the final step with HGH. Anyone want to send me unlimited HGH pens and a giant bag of raw Halotestin? Thanks.

(Post Scriptum)

The package tracking information simply says that USPS is still waiting for the package to be received, but is In hands with their shipping partner.

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pingree24's picture

Yeah, that's what I was thinking too scoob. Probably gonna take a bit because of backlog

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meat1's picture

Same boat. Shipped out on the 16th. TR said they should drop this Thursday. No update on tracking.

pingree24's picture

As in drop this Thursday at the door or show movement?

In a promo × 1
meat1's picture


meat1's picture

Nothing yet. Should be any day.

wanted's picture

Did you get in ?

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 1
KonstantViktory's picture

I got the private message confirming the products of selection and it's been quiet since then. Not sure what else is new now, waiting for feedback/tracking/etc..

In a promo × 1
teamroids's picture

can you check pm thanks

Gassedup's picture

How do I send a pm message to team roids if I want?

steroidmen's picture

Good products without any doubt !

teamroids's picture

thank you for bro for your feedback

KonstantViktory's picture

I don't doubt the quality, I'm wondering how the most recent promotional offer is turning out as far as T/A and delivery.

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