Wildling's picture
  • 253

+ 4 RP4U Old Gear


Setting my baseline with some old RP4U test. This is an also a testament to storing your stuff properly as I believe I purchased this collection around 2017… this is four weeks in at ~500mg a week. I also started 20mg blue hearts last week. All this is prep for a second half run of titans gear. The plan is RP4U for ten weeks with blue hearts for four weeks then Titans for ten weeks with his dbol for four weeks. The dbol is being run weeks 3-6 and 14-17. I will test again at the end of week 18. Stay tuned!

Forgot to add… my baseline is around 450 with 100mg xyosted (subq injections 1x a week).

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simonmagus84's picture

Were those vials expired ?

Wildling's picture

“Expired” yes. I have 8 year old blue hearts that still kick me in the nuts.

press1's picture

I joined up as RP4U was on its way out/decline, I am sure towards the end around this time there were a lot of complaints regarding bad gear as the name reminds me of negativity on the forum. I believe before this time it was good though, but in the end just fizzled out. I would get on some gear that you know is good and cut your losses and risks - why spend weeks pinning the stuff when the levels are showing as low when your gains could be much better. We all hate throwing away gear but its bit like eating a dry piece of bread when you could easily be enjoying a nice fresh loaf.

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Wildling's picture

Spot on. I already moved on to another source today. Hoping for better results based on the responses here…

juiceball8082's picture

Definitely low for 500 migs a week. Either low dosed or potency is lost.

Big Tone36's picture

Ron's gear was good, I've tested it twice once in 2016 and 2017. I used to run a lot of his gear back then. This isn't the greatest result but who knows why

Wildling's picture

The only way to really know is to have something to compare it to.

DeeMan's picture

Ok so you don't have 500mg/wk blood results to compare to. I gotcha

Wildling's picture

That is correct. I'll start the new source starting Monday as I like even numbers... worst case scenario I'll throw out about 5 bottles of test... best case scenario, my body is just special and I don't have to toss anything lol...

Makwa's picture

I'll take your best case scenario and make it my worst case scenario. Now I have to pin a shitload of test to get my numbers higher. Lol

Wildling's picture

lol already thinking about that

DeeMan's picture

I gotcha. As soon as you get bloods the faster you'll get your answer. But like I said either case can be possible. Keep us updated.

Makwa's picture

Seems low for 500/wk or is that about where you normally score on that amount?

Wildling's picture

Honestly, I can’t give a good answer. This is the first time I have tested while on. I know Ron’s test got a bad rap later down the road, but I suspect the product may have degraded slightly. My levels without any assistant are around 200.

600-700 has always seemed to be more of a sweet spot for me though (based on feel).

Makwa's picture

kind of go by the general rule of 500ng/dl for every 100mg of test. I would switch to some different test. Assuming you are like the majority of people, I would call this a weak batch and not a degradation issue. I don't want to tell you how old some of the shit is that I have been using and it is still good. Lol

Wildling's picture

Question though…. If the subq at 100mg has me in the 450 range would this be in line??? Or does it multiply exponentially the more it is introduced into the body.

Makwa's picture

It seems to be fairly lineal up to a certain point where it starts to level off and rise at a slower rate as dosages increase. From all the bloodwork I have seen the relationship is still pretty linear at least up to the 750mg/wk range. Don't see alot of bloodwork at dosages above that since most people really aren't doing much above that around here, or at least not posting the bloodwork for it. I would say your score of 450 on 100mg is pretty typical. Everyone is different though, some may get 800 on on 100mg and some may need 175mg of test to get to your 450ng/dl.

I wouldn't bash the source yet on seeing this level since it is only 1 person and we don't know how you typically score on 500mg/wk but it would initially raise a red flag for me since you seem to be scoring around normal range on 100mg/wk. If you had previous bloodwork showing better numbers on that dose or we saw low numbers from others, then that red flag would be confirmed and I would tell that source to go fly a kite. Don't matter now though since he isn't here Lol

Wildling's picture

Pretty much sums it up!

DeeMan's picture

No if you have 450 sub q score this score of 1400 wouldn't be in line in my opinion. Looks like either that old test is underdosed or has degraded. Either case is possible

Wildling's picture

Got it. I’ll just go ahead and switch over….

DeeMan's picture

Yea that's probably your best bet. Score for 500mg/ wk is low for sure. Hope that helped.

Wildling's picture

We will know in 8-10 weeks when I test again. Good think is it’s still 1000 above my norm so it’s nice to have been working with something a little extra.

Makwa's picture

At least you know your current level and are in an anabolic state and can go from there.

DeeMan's picture

Lol for sure. A little extra can go a long way.

DeeMan's picture

Sounds good my man

Wildling's picture

Interesting. Thanks for that info. Now I’ll have more of baseline to work off of. I’ll up it to 600 a week just to finish off what I have open then switch off. I appreciate the advice!