Zalewski's picture
  • 192

+ 3 New Steroid Tracker


Someone on Reddit made a new steroid tracker. I thought it was a very helpful tool and wanted to share it here

JEX30Sex's picture

Dude! That's badass thank you for sharing. Not signing up for shit but a good place to get to write down logs if you're not so great at mathing.

Rosschestzip's picture

Thanks man, thats pretty cool, I keep log books, I find it easier to just write in a notebook instead of typing things out. But after seeing this tracker I went through in typed in my last cycle, its cool to see it all visualized. and itll be nice to have a digital format of it so I can search through previous cycles and stuff. Ill probably still use my notebooks for daily input and then periodically update the online log every once in a while, with all the things I have written out. Thanks for sharing this! +1

press1's picture

I would be careful there - looks like his primary interest is capturing email addresses and other info to build a database/email list to sell on.

ONESICK's picture

I saw the sign up and was like nope lolol

Makwa's picture

That raised a red flag for me too. Nice tool, but definitely don't register Lol

Rosschestzip's picture

Damn so basically I just gave them my email and a list of all my favorite drugs, now there going to know which gear to advertise to me lol.

JohnJuice's picture

Just make a spam email, mby some good deals pops up Biggrin

Makwa's picture

Your inbox should be filling up any day now. Mostly likely porn sites though.

press1's picture

Nah it will be a load of Bogus steroid sources advertising 'Best hard Erection Guaranteed!!' Lmfao

Rosschestzip's picture

How will I differentiate those ads from the ones I'm already getting from all the local hot singles in my area? Mosking

Makwa's picture

Going to be all GILF

JEX30Sex's picture

Just signed up. Man I had no idea there were soooo many Japanese singles in my area!

press1's picture

Me Love you Loooonnggg time ......

Rosschestzip's picture

Oh boy must be my lucky day! They really have been tracking me

Makwa's picture

That's pretty cool.