gamejiachex's picture
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Power Cleans


Does anybody here train for power? What has worked for you in terms of diet, workouts, PEDs, training plans in order to increase a lift like the Power Clean. I've been able to increase my squat and deadlift significantly but now I'm lagging a lot in my power clean and would like to increase my power production. As long as its not excessive I am not too concerned if the power increase comes with bulk. I don't mind adding sprinting, hypertrophy, crossfit or plyometrics either as long as I get the power increase I am looking for.

Daddyfrank's picture

I’ve got my first powerlifting meet planned and I’ve been doing 5x5’s. Started out at 75% of 1rm then bumping it up 2.5% each week. Been working pretty good, I stick with test cycles, and carb loading

Roman124's picture

Box jumps and dead lifts helped me. Anything that explodes from the ground up.

SegaKid87's picture

Training for power aka strength?

One would not consider power cleans and sprinting to be apart of one's works out. Carb load up, load up the weight less reps. I prefer the old style lifts, deadlifts back row. Cycles test, done with tren which is insane strength builder, but not to one's likeing. Can't beat good old test cycle.

Anyway probably not answered your question, but I had a moment of quit at home (which is extremely rare) (feeding time)

Halsey's picture

I do hang cleans regularly which require mobility/flexibility and explosion. I think your on track with plyometrics, sprints, box jumps, and crossfit. Explosion while trying to rack 225 pounds can be tricky and the risk for injury can be quite high. Deadlifts helped me more than anything as far as increasing hang clean load. I would assume adding bulk would be the key as long as you dont lose flexibility.