BullDozer5's picture
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Covid 19 vaccine news


hoyshirmr's picture

"What? Is this not a joke? Is someone making a DIY vaccine for themselves?
Hell, this is the best example of natural selection, lol
How do you imagine a homemade vaccine that is not made by a specialist? This is absurd.
I was sick with the coronavirus, and half of my family was also sick with this virus, so I am sure that it exists and it is quite dangerous. I did an instant covid test from https://www.confirmbiosciences.com/covid19-instant-coronavirus-test-kit/ and I was diagnosed with a virus, which I immediately began to treat. Then the first versions of the vaccine appeared. I didn't make them, as I was waiting for a more advanced version. So I was recently vaccinated and I didn't have any side effects.
So try to think before injecting yourself with a DIY vaccine"

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Does anyone have any idea what the vaccine ingredient list looks like? I couldn’t find anything...see a lot of people telling new members to research AAS before using but not a word about doing the same in regards to this vaccine....just my .02

HGHDaddy's picture

I hope it's a good step for humanity. humanity now needs to get rid of this scourge of the virus

MONK's picture

Bird flu break out confirmed in England. They doing 2 for 1’s?

I will test, leave a review, leave full star votes and be fully active on your discussion page.

GrowMore's picture

People wont take the vaccine but will happily inject gear a bloke brewed in a council house while wearing a Lonsdale tracksuit with a D in GSCE maths called Gav.

In all fairness though our kid Gav’s Tren is banging and I don’t trust our shifty government for toffee.

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PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Man I would trust a lil chip n fish eatin fool over Dr.Fauci any day lmao!!

iFit's picture

Not going to get into the vaccine debate. It’s like talking about politics or religion. I’ll be in line when it’s my turn for sure. So will my wife and kids. Government can’t force the vaccine on US citizens but they can sure make life miserable for those that choose not to. Guaranteed kids can’t go to school without it and airlines are already stating it’s going to be a requirement to travel. Guessing restaurants and theaters will do same so they can get back to business. So for those choosing not to get it, my guess is this your life for next 3-5 years.

maddogg's picture

Reading the responses here, that’s what I was thinking, about the gear. But people won’t inject something that has be used in a controlled study involving 50,000 subjects under tremendous scientific rigor that has shown itself to be safe. I’m taking it as soon as I am eligible

GrowMore's picture

I agree mate but I’ll let the first million take the plunge first before I let those savages pin me

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press1's picture

What?? I thought Gav had a degree in Pharmaceuticals from Cambridge Uni? That's what he told me anyway and the vials even come in a box with a leaflet enclosed all about side effects - I mean I know its in broken English and the storage instructions don't make sense but it will still be okay won't it?

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GrowMore's picture

He used to sell ket to a trust fund lad who studied at Cambridge so it’s basically the same thing and he was off his face on super cider when he wrote the storage instructions while having an argument with his lass Chantelle which is the reason for so many mistakes, plus he doesn’t know the alphabet and all.. but the identification codes all still work so I reckon we are all safe mate!

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maddogg's picture

I take every vaccine they will give me. Just missed out on small pox. Some people in my class got it others didn’t. 1973 was the cut off, not that anyone should still have immunity. Got my Dr to give me the HPV vaccine when I was still 45, Just making the cut. Get the flu shot every year no complications. I’d take all the ones they give to troops if I could get them. Like they did for anthrax before the gulf war. Vaccines have tremendously improved the 20th century over the 19th in terms of quality of life and life expectancy. People need to drop the internet conspiracy BS.

press1's picture

You must admit though mate it must be quite an unnerving feeling at first to know you've just been injected with some Covid 19, it supposed to feel like a heavy hangover and aching which then clears up over 24 hours.

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maddogg's picture

That’s what being 47 feels like, it just doesn’t clear up after 24hrs lol.

press1's picture

Hahaha :-)

Mind you I'd rather feel hungover for 24hrs than not being able to breathe and relying on a CPAP.

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maddogg's picture

For sure. I got a taste of what that would feel like. They had a pain pump inserted into my shoulder for post operation pain said it would dramatically improve my recovery. You have a nerve near there that controls your diaphragm and esophagus and they had missed their mark. I could hardly breath or swallow for two days and I started to have chest pains from struggling to breathe. I called my surgeon and he told me to pull it out the back of my neck right away because he knew the nerve was near there. So to make a long story long, I decided to die from not being able to breathe or to live a long time having trouble breathing is NOT how I want to go out of this world because it totally sucks

bigbain's picture

I know I won't. I don't take any of the "newer" vaccines. Flu shot etc. I figure I am just as well off without them and have seen first hand how well off some people are with "them".

Halsey's picture

Question is " will you take the vaccine when it comes available?"

Halsey's picture

Touche, my 75 year old mother got the Moderna one last week. No side effects for her.

press1's picture

I don't fancy it - I'll take my chances I think Lol

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Faz's picture

If it gets things back to normal and makes everyone feel safer then I’m all for other people having it.

I certainly won’t be