mastercommand's picture
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Cutler Nutrition


Cutler Nutrition

What is your thought on Cutler Nutrition? I cannot understand why people are so hypercritical when it comes to supplements and bodybuilding. Do some people not understand the amount of work and dedication it takes to reach your full potential? Facebook has several great bodybuilders like Jay Cutler advertising supplements just to have someone remark the only thing that ever got him to this point is steroids. So, do you think supplements have no effect? Is it all about steroids? No genetics, no diet, no hard work just a shot in the ass!! It would really be great to read; Jay’s dedication and hard work has really paid off. Four-time Mr. Olympia

mastercommand's picture

.Thanks for responding to my post Cutler Nutrition. Before the internet was so accessible bodybuilding magazines where one of the main sources of information available. I discovered GNC from Flex magazine while shopping for groceries with my mom. I also remember spending most of my hard-earned money for supplements and prohormones I knew little about. Their advertising ploy worked on me. I believed this is was it took to becoming a great bodybuilder. The photographs in Flex magazine where awe-inspiring. Their advertisement said follow our supplement program and we guarantee you could look like (Lee Priest). We all know some supplements are great, but all the protein shakes in the world will never make you Jay Cutler one of the best ever.

wanted's picture

I bring a protein shake mixed with nutra bio super CARB
EVERY lifting session. I dont have a shake on early morning cardio days and dont have a shake on off days
My life is busy. There is always food in the fridge but instill bring a shake to the gym. Cause WHAT IF. what if the wife calls and asks me to stop at the store or run an errand.. some might not believe in a WINDOW to get your protein in but i like it. On off days im home meal prepping and have time to eat so dont use a shake

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johnmarshall12's picture

The few good supplements are the basic ones but they are few. Basically Isolated whey. BCAA'S; And creatine. Jay Cutlet took tons of GEAR to look like that and had good genetics!

eighty7's picture

Creatine Monohydrate

ashop's picture

I do use a few supplements but not very many. Whey Isolate is something I use daily. Which is basically just a supplement of protein to my diet. Some supplements can be beneficial.

eighty7's picture

Some supplements definitely help but most for sale are garbage.

ChrisMdPaNc's picture

My last run I cut out all the supplements (minus my multivitamins/probiotics/etc) and spent the money on more quality food options in my diet. Guess what? At the end, I looked at my finished product and not once did I say “man next time I’ve gotta start taking insert various BB supplement here. I even prefer to use real food for all my protein source unless I’m in a crunch do to crazy schedule etc.

press1's picture

The people who are always negative about everything such as supplements, certain steroids and training routines are always the ones who have never achieved anything in their life. I've never come across anyone who's been successful that is nothing but positive minded - about everything. They are the ones with the drive required to exceed, they don't piss and moan about things or find excuses as to why they aren't doing or taking certain things. They get on with it and DO it - Cutler has that exact mindset. He would just sit at a table for hours shovelling food that he hated to put size on, he's an extremely focused & likeable guy.

As for supplements I've compared the 2 scenarios - Loads of healthy food (protein & carbs) with a lot of milk VS Less food but with plenty of supplements such as BCAA's, creatine. protein shake's and I've easily made much more progress using supplements. You don't feel as good or healthy, but the progress is much better.

stairmaster's picture

The same as RCSS , all marketing...

shiva4's picture

For most people, they could do all the steroids in the world and never reach the pro level. For those that reach the pro level, steroids alone did not get them there.

In terms of supplements, the majority of them are crap. Cutler's line in the past and BPI, the company he was plastered all over are complete and total garbage. Few supplements hold legitimate weight and are actually worth spending money on.

Slowly's picture

You can build your muscles with steroids, training and nutrition.
Form is dictated by genetics.
People talk without knowing that to get results it takes big sacrifices, sometimes changing even our habits (spending a lot of money).
They would like a perfect body without the use of drugs, without following a dietary plan and especially without spending money lol

kodiakGRRL's picture

form? you mean form in the manner of size and shape .. ?

kodiakGRRL's picture

depends on who you are talking to master. the average gym goer and bber don't have a clue what it takes to get to the top. there will always be haters and nay sayers.. and the more successful you are the more they show up..