arlrussia's picture
arlrussia 79

Estimated T/A: 
7-12 days to US, 5-7 days to EU with 100% shipping success rate**

Minimum Order: 

Payment Methods: 
**BITCOIN *(5% DISCOUNT)* - - WU, MG**

Please note

Shipping - Shipping from EU to worldwide!

ARL RUSSIA.RU website :-

International Pricelist:- (Usa clients can order internationally as well)

Discounts :-
Orders over 500E/500USD – 5% off
Orders over 1000E/1000USD – 10% off
Orders paid by bitcoin – 5% off
Customer Loyalty Program – 5% off if you have done 1-3 orders with us
Customer Loyalty Program – 10% off if you have done 3 orders with us

Ordering:- Send email to:- [email protected]

NEW TEST RESULT :- 5/07/2019

Test Results on products

Testosterone Enantathe and Anavar oral mass specs

Primabolan E mass spec

Primo Ace tablets and Trenbolone Ace Mass spec

Deca Durabolin and Boldenone

don4044's picture

What's the word on ur packs brotha?

BigReps's picture

Nothing yet? Not a single trace of my four digit order anywhere in sight brotha!

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don4044's picture

DAM! That's fken aggravating.

BigReps's picture

Yea! tell me about it!
But it's all good, ARL said wait two more weeks (6 weeks) and they'll reship everything.

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don4044's picture

Yeah. Hopefully it still comes so you don't have to wait any longer

Beast5's picture

What’s it say when u track it?

BigReps's picture

I got 2 packs and the tracking hasn't changed in over a month now?
my 1st says (processed thru facility) on April 2 in the origin country and that's it.
my 2nd just says (Origin post is preparing shipment) on April 6th!

nothing else!

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Beast5's picture

I’d ask for a reship bro.. im in Az and I got mine in 10 days.

don4044's picture

My brotha mine just got to me today (thankfully) 4/6/19 it went out and my tracking still says its still at the sending origin. Just keep checking ur mail and forget the tracking number it should come (Hopefully). If it don't there not crooks they got you.

BigReps's picture

Man! Lucky u! I'm really hoping my packs do land. Otherwise there's more waiting I will have to do.

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inzer777's picture

I am very upset about customer service. I made a large paid order (first one) i told him i have a competition and needed my order sent in a timely manner. on 4/18 he told me it will ship on 4/20. When i didnt hear anything i checked back. Then on 4/29 he sends me a email that he will send me a tracking number on 4/30. I am pissed i was told i would ship 4/20 and now its 5/1 and i havent even shipped. Ive been on this site for 8 years and have never recieved such bad communication or slow service

arlrussia's picture

There is clearly a misunderstanding from your part. Your pack was sent on the 30th April please check PM for tracking and see track it in the website I gave you. I m sorry you are pissed but you are pissed for nothing because we kept our word and posted it on the date we promised.

inzer777's picture

You told me it would be received in 7 or 8 days (i have proof)
You told me on the 18th it would ship by the 20th (i have proof)
It shipped 5/1 (i have proof) 14 days to ship from payment.
You have delay responded me through PM and Email (i have proof)
The most recent posts on your page show people are waiting a month or more (proof here)

How the fuck are you gonna tell a seasoned athlete who has used more steriods then a slaughter house that I misunderstood? I been here 8 years bro im not a retard i know how to order properly and have a very realistic expectation. I even asked you before i ordered if you could ship quickly and you said you would (i have proof)

Bro your wait time and customer service sucks to US and i gave you a shot and you dropped the ball. Not me

arlrussia's picture

THese are your words:=
Then on 4/29 he sends me a email that he will send me a tracking number on 4/30.

The tracking is clear I cannot post it online but you know I am saying the truth .. I posted when I told you I am going to..

inzer777's picture

No where did i say you didnt send. I got the tracking number you sent me. If you read my problem is the delayed communication, the fact you didnt ship when you said you would (april 20th), and the fact my order shipped 14 days after payment was sent

Immortaltech's picture

It probably shipped earlier, but maybe due to customs he sends it only after it left the country of origin?? Im not sure

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arlrussia's picture

exactly it was shipped on the 30 th Smile bro sorry for not posting you the tracker when we shipped but your pack was already moving even when you are venting your anger over here ;)

BigReps's picture

Don't worry! Sometimes they have hiccups in service but they will take care of u before it's all over!

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arlrussia's picture

I m sorry about this bro. We did send them out as soon as you made the order. Most of the time packs take 1-2 weeks to arrive to your side as you can see from the posts. I already offered you a full reship if you don't have them arrived in 6 weeks or immidietly if you have a seizure letter. I fail to see the point of this post.

BigReps's picture

Bro! Cuz the post was for the guys who ordered from the states to see if this happened to anybody else!
I wanted to see if the disappearances was happening widespread or not. that's all.

I know u guys Arl will reship. So we'll just wait out the next 2 -1/2 weeks and anything happens before that
I'll keep guys posted.

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amox88's picture

Is there a certain email provider these guys have not been able to receive email from?

hurza's picture

Yes I was trying to order several times during promo and learned that sometimes there are problems with proton mail and safe mail.

Immortaltech's picture

I think protonmail, pm them here bro

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arlrussia's picture

Some users have experienced problems when we reply to mails from Proton mail.. I did a test on a proton mail account and received them successfully.

Immortaltech's picture

second order in!

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GrowMore's picture

What did you order mate?

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Immortaltech's picture

Their mix 600, test bold tren mast, im expecting a little bite there

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Bearded_muscle's picture

Definitely keep us posted bro

GrowMore's picture

I was hoping you were going to try it! Keep us posted.

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Immortaltech's picture

Sure bro, will let u know

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