BaneYoyo's picture
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Real HGH Pen VS Faked


On the real pen, the top dial starts at 0.3 vs 0.1 on the fake pen, there's also a big difference in quality of the purple button and overall build quality of the real vs fake pen.. If you look at the mg dial windows, you can see the faked pen is actually made up of 3 parts, vs 1 part on the real pen

In the 2nd pic, you can see that the 12 mg sign wipes off on the fake pen vs being imbedded on the real pen

Ordered from: 
jpixels's picture

I told you morons this, months ago...I think it was a year ago infact..what was the reaction?

"Oh no, they remove the boxes for shipping"...yeah? and why do they remove the inner plastic and then put it back on? TO PUT IN THE FAKE PENS. Then they re-seal it..

Glad you twats got burned...I did warn you.... There is no way they are faking Lilly tho

RawGonza22's picture

...then that lab that does the 29ml vials US domestic, 6 months ago he did the same shit than 9 months before that. He came back just recemtly, people pumped amd dropping orders like crazy and Im like, WTF, this dude just scammed everybody now evsrybodiea waiting for their order. Same shit

analdestroyer's picture

Take bloods !!!

HailRazor's picture

Curious if youve done any testing (maybe GH serum) on the “Fake” one to see if it’s counterfeit, bunk, or maybe other

BaneYoyo's picture

I don't have access to the appropriate kit to test it, but I used a full fake pen at the same dose as normal to see what the difference was and I have lost my GH bloat/pump in 10 days

RawGonza22's picture

nothing worse than this feeling of wondering, but even better is knowing for sure either way. But youde know better than I. That shit is expensive too. I fuxkin hate that. Its aggrevating. Sorry man. To have to go throigh this. An unecessary but hard ass lesson. Got to be optimistic and Take it as tough love and move on; or maybe things might turn around for the better. I do feel for you, been there and fuxin despise it.

HailRazor's picture

I gotcha ....a GH serum would have been helpful.....but it’s obvious there are differences in the packaging ....that sux man.....thanks for posting

BaneYoyo's picture

No worries dude

GrowMore's picture

MD up to this old tricks

Owes a Review × 1
Makwa's picture

Interesting. Have you contacted the source? Have you bought these previously from this source or is this first time?

BaneYoyo's picture

Yup, sent MD a very non aggressive mail as was hoping to engage. I've bought from them every 6 weeks for 18 months

jpixels's picture

MD never reply to any emails now. Never.

bane7373's picture

Good job . Im a newbie Because fan boys wont let you knock sources . So they ban you. But this source isnt on hear so you are ok . Pointing out the obvious . But their are plenty on hear who have sold fake pens.

jpixels's picture

Here is me warning these tossers a year ago:

Just look at the reaction. Now these fucking tools spent like £7000 on fake HGH

I even provided pics

BaneYoyo's picture

Aye, still a bit bemused why they'd bother burning a loyal customer, I've stuck with them through the turbulent times over the past 2 years and spent a small fortune with them

YoungVet's picture

Your ASSUMING he knows his hgh is fake

People get bad stuff all the time without knowing

BaneYoyo's picture

Hey, I've bought 100+ pens from him in 18 months, I reckon if I can spot a fake pen he defo can Smile , not sure if you've seen the pics, but there is quite a bit of difference in the build quality, etc

I've bought from 2 others sources on this forum and they both had the same real pens that I originally got from MD..

jpixels's picture

Muscledevelop are Turks..Turks are dodgy as fuck...does not surprise me...they are the fake masters

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