fusebox's picture
  • 583

+ 4 Pharmacom sust and Balkan provi labs


I've been running pharmacom from basicstero @ .6 ml eod and provi from ashop at 25 mg ed for seven weeks and I'm getting damn good results. Strength and stamina are without a doubt the highest I've ever been. And the libido is through the roof. The wife is actually encouraging me to find a girlfreind. I'm up 12 pounds and no it's not all water as the Balkan adex I've been also running at .5 mg e3d has been keeping the bloat way down for me. Seriously impressed with the products and I'll definitely be ordering more soon. Thanks Frank and alin

Also forgot to mention the pins for said cycle came from medlab gear. I can't speak enough praise of this source. Thank MLG. Another order on the way

Ordered from: 
Livelife76's picture

I watched a few videos of pharmacom gear at their lab being made, VERY PROFESSIONAL definitely on point! +1 for the bloods those numbers have me pumped as my next run is with this brand

Tryingtonotkillyou's picture

your wife what

enhancedlife's picture

Balkan provi is strong AF

i20bpm's picture

Godamn is this right, highest free test ive ever seen and on only 25mgsof provi?

fusebox's picture

Yep 25 mg ed taken in the morning with oj. I must respond well to provi. My last cycle I had to stop taking it at 50 mg ed split because it was making me bald fast. So I figured I'd try 25 this time and it's been much better

fusebox's picture

Still a little but not nearly as bad as it was on 50 mg. I'd wake up and my pillow looked like a Sasquatch was laying there.

i20bpm's picture

Nice, why with oj, absorption?

fusebox's picture

Nope I just like oj. Lol

i20bpm's picture


fusebox's picture

I can't really put it into words how true that statement is bro.

fusebox's picture

I took at least 25 pics and all of them are clear but they were all too large of a file to upload on here. This is the first one that would load and it's shit. But besides that in all seriousness this is by far and away the best cycle I've ran thus far. Seems like maybe I'm starting to figure a thing or two out.

fusebox's picture

Fuck me. The picture is horse shit and eroids won't accept any pics with 4 mg or higher clarity. Total test 4258 free test 1252. I will make an attempt at a clearer picture later.