bigjrock's picture
  • 206

simple cycle


Well i havnt been lifting for about three months due to poor lifestyle choices. Well thats in the past and its time to make some gains. I usually am over 200 pounds but im now at 155. Horrible. Well i cruise on test year round 100 mg of cyp a week. All im doing is going back to the basics. 500Mg of test. Last time i only did 250mg a week and put on 30 pounds in a month. Good solid weight. I normally only use test. My diet is good when bulking so i gain fast. So the test and arimidex as needed. Maybe a little anadrol for four weeks. Im not sure yet. I love gaining weight. I hate losing it. Now i have estrogen issues so i always take arimidex .25 e3d while cruising but when i do 500mg of test i bump it up to .5 e2d and im good. No pct because im cruising. You dont need ten compounds to grow. You need ten meals.

WeekTest cypAnadrol
bigjrock's picture

Well update from last time i Posted. Im up 35 pounds just from diet and training. Working my way back up to 215 and when i get there ill start a cycle. Still on just a 100 mgs of test as always but i give all the credit to my eating habits.

Darkhorse777's picture

Way to use your head +1 good job

In a promo × 2
TheFlash85's picture

well done! diet and muscle memory are great things! keep at it mate!

Whitetrash's picture

Terrible advice

Catalyst's picture

That -2 is from me for repeatedly talking out of your backside. You tell me what the typical TRT dose is and I'll give you back the karma ok? Make sure you're correct though, might want to ask these guys what I do for a living before you answer.

You're taking a stance that isn't going to sit well with the community here. "More drugs" is not the way we approach it here. Might be what you do, but it's not what we teach.

bigjrock's picture

100Mg is a perfect replacement for trt. I dont know what dude is thinking cruising while on trt. But when i cycle higher mg of compounds and come back down to my trt dose i dont loss any gains. I dont think this dude know what hes talking about

Catalyst's picture

You're spot on there mate!

Makwa's picture

The last thing you want to be doing is encouraging the OP to take even more compounds. He is not even ready to be taking any AAS at this point which should be evident.

bigjrock's picture

Whats the op. All i kbow is ive cycled every compound. Tren test hgh igf and slin was my favorite

bigjrock's picture

Where did u read i can't keep gains. I cruise on a hundred milligrams for TRT and then usually I go up in milligrams when I add other compounds more tests trans Eq whatever say for instance I do a cycle of test Dianabol and Trent my strength goes to the roof when I stop the trend and go back to my TRT dose of a hundred milligrams a week I keep all my strength gains actually and I don't lose any weight at all so I don't know where this can't keep my games came from I keep everything I gained from cycling probably due to the tested on for trt and the 5000 calories a day helps to.just a week ago I was 150 in a week I have already gained over well let's just say about 15 pounds muscle memory the s***my physique fully covers back less than a month. gaining weight is easy but for me dieting down is the hardest damn thing for me. my biggest I got was when I was on 500 milligrams of test 4 I us of HGH 50 Ius of igf a hundred milligrams of tram a day and 10 I use of insulin post workout 3 times a week. once I started that insulin I'm not gonna lie I literally put on 10 pounds of pure muscle and less than two weeks I was a monster and the monster is coming back very soon. Read more. Shit ive cycled so many times i cpuldnt tell u how many times if you ask.

Dickkhead's picture

C'mon folks. 46 responses to THIS? We need BFG to create some kinda delete button. After so many press it - poof - gone.

TheFlash85's picture

picture of op

tonytulo's picture

id be willing to bet he isn't under 15% bf right there. Says he's 8% now tho smfh

TheFlash85's picture

im preety sure hes down 45 pounds from this picture bro.

bigjrock's picture

Yep i am down 45 pounds from that pic. I cant even pinch anything on me but skin. That pic was a couple years ago. I went up to 223 pounds from then. I was built pretty good. Deadlifting 540 pounds benching 305 and swuatting 430 pounds. I was always stronger than my build looked

TheFlash85's picture

your bad life style choices? drinking? drugs?

bigjrock's picture

Ya i screwed up after four ywars of being straight. I have been using drugs. I am no longer using but i got caught up in it again unfortunately.

tonytulo's picture

So get your shit together bro, its hard but needs to be done and done consistently for awhile, before using gear as a supplement to get what you previously had back. I hope for the best for you man , just no need to rush into the gear right off the rip. I know you , understand. FR sent.

guitarplayer1's picture

We need a thread for this opticx. That's some genius shit right there!

Me I marinade the chix in balsamic vinegar with thyme and rosemary. 20 lbs to the grill every Sun and Wen

Owes a Review × 1
TheFlash85's picture

ive been putting my chicken breasts in the oven, takes exactlly 30 minutes, i just sprinkle lemon pepper, soy sauce and garlic then bake, turns out awesome every time, whilst thats on i have 1kg of mixe vegies, broccoli, beans, carrot, capsicum, etc,

tonytulo's picture

But op says hes been hitting the gym hard for 7 years , diet has been perfect , with the use of usually just test. The multiple pics of tren , eq , test prop , test e , test cyp , orals , and growth weren't for him lol.

TheFlash85's picture


TheFlash85's picture

you will see who puts in work and who posts pics etc, look at my account, no pictures, plus i was away for a year and a half, i had 14 forum topics that i deleted, some trolls went through and trolled every single comment lol, by the way, when you delete forum topics, your comment go with them, meaning if it says such and such has writen 5000 comment, you delete forums it goes down to what ever it was before, i posted a picture once, took down for security reasons im australian, steroid = jail and also a toss pot member decided to post where i live.

tonytulo's picture

All of his photos.