cd1's picture
  • 437

+ 5 A back built from graft and top notch gear from MD


Picture taken at the start of this blast cycle....lets so if we can add some size with the AM Pharma products...wish me luck

Ordered from: 
juicer1165's picture

Look like your ready to fly away with them wings. Lol. Good job bro.

Trending's picture

Did you really just tattle tell to a mod on me about a comment? I can't believe sources hook you up with anything with your pointing fingers police ass. I bet your going to cry to a mod right now.

cd1's picture

Of course I did, because there is no point in lowering myself to your childish level, as this will just go on and on and on so the best my to get rid of you is to inform a mod.

Trending's picture

Look at them love handles ummm I bet the guy in prison that gave you that tattoo loved griping them fat sacks in the the SS his initials?

kulihracovi's picture

Good bro, you put it:-)
and a tattoo on his back do to end! :-)
Also now finishing up his right hand:-)
and again I sent you to LVL 1 deservedly bro +1

cd1's picture

Respect man, appreciate that and thank you

That one bro's picture

Nice brother +1