FredWurlitzer's picture
  • 8

+ 1 220lbs or bust


Age: 26
Height: 5'10"
Starting Weight: 195lbs
BF: estimated 12-16%

First cycle.

Aromasin dosage will be adjusted as needed.

WeekTestosterone EnanthateAromasinNolvadexClomid
3500mg6.25mg EOD
4500mg6.25mg EOD
5500mg6.25mg EOD
6500mg6.25mg EOD
7500mg6.25mg EOD
8500mg6.25mg EOD
9500mg6.25mg EOD
10500mg6.25mg EOD
11500mg6.25mg EOD
12500mg6.25mg EOD
136.25mg EOD
146.25mg EOD40mg50mg
156.25mg EOD40mg50mg
166.25mg EOD20mg50mg
176.25mg EOD20mg50mg
ashop's picture

Thank you for posting it !

FredWurlitzer's picture

Finished my cycle with at 12.5 weeks (I had 1 mL left in my last vial). It's been a week and 2 days since my last shot. I start PCT this coming Tuesday. Pictures will be posted.


  • Weight topped out around 218 on week 12, currently around 215. (added in cardio once or twice per week)
  • Strength is still up. I actually pushed more weight with squats this week than I have all cycle.
  • Skin is still oily, occasional acne breakouts.
  • Aggression/irritability is minimal or nonexistent
  • Slight testicular hypertrophy since last shot.
  • Libido is still considerably high compared to pre-cycle.
  • I changed my Aromasin dosage to 6.25mg ED towards the end of my cycle.
  • I did not get a chance to get blood work done, as I am still trying to find a PCP. Once I find one who is accepting patients and find one, I will have it done.
  • My goal from here on out is to keep as much lean body mass as possible.

A concern I have is these headaches that started to appear towards the end of my cycle. The headaches come on rapidly as I'm lifting, usually toward the end of a set. I believe it is related to blood pressure, as they have subsided a bit since upping my AI dosage to every day.

FredWurlitzer's picture

Start of week 8:

  • 217.4 lbs
  • Significant testicular atrophy
  • Libido has decreased w/ in the past week. (Related to shut down???)
  • Still at 6.25mg EOD for the Aromasin.
  • Strength gains are still increasing.
FredWurlitzer's picture

Yes, I plan on getting blood work done at some point before the end of my cycle.

FredWurlitzer's picture

I've also noticed that I'm losing some hair.. I'm starting to see more and more of it in front of me, on the table, on my laptop, etc..

Are there any effective over the counter DHT blockers?

Strength gains are not slowing down, and I'm able to push more weight week after week. Flexibility has started to decrease. Clothes are getting tight, I need a new wardrobe!

FredWurlitzer's picture

Start of week 6 and weighed in at 215.6 as of Tuesday morning. Sides haven't really changed much, just trying to eat as much and as clean as I can throughout the holidays. Contemplating upping my Aromasin to 6.25mg ED soon.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

FredWurlitzer's picture

Apparently there is a study out that showed that the half life is a bit shorter in men, around 8-9 hours if I remember correctly. I plan on keeping it EOD, as that seems to be working, as far as sides are concerned. The only accurate way to know is blood work.

Are you doing 6.25mg twice a day?

FredWurlitzer's picture

Highlights thus far:

  • Currently on week 4.
  • Weighed myself mid-day and got 209lbs.
  • Holding some water.
  • Pumps in the gym are getting up there as well as strength, weights are getting lighter and lighter.
  • Back pumps are getting intense. Only on squats.
  • Aggression/irritability is minimal. More of a "blah", withdrawn feeling.
  • Noticeable increase in hunger this week.
  • Significant increase in libido since week 2.
  • Slight testicular atrophy.
  • Pinning delts and glutes. Might stick strictly with glutes from here on out.
extremediezel's picture

good job bro keep pushing!!

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Only thing I would do different for first cycle is for PCT run Clomid 100/100/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20 and Aro 12.5/12.5/6.25/6.25.

Only hit Aro on cycle when needed. Eat big get big!

FredWurlitzer's picture

Thanks for the quick reply!

I initially started the Aromasin at 6.25mg ED from week 1. Started to notice symptoms of low estrogen by the end of week 1 and stopped, feeling better in a few days. Last week (week 3) I started to retain some water, feel bloated and my BP was slightly elevated, so I started the Aromasin at 6.25mg EOD. Since then, everything has been kept in check and symptoms have subsided. My reasoning behind starting the Aromasin from day 1 is that I have experienced gyno in the past as a teenager. I never knew what it was until I started researching AAS years ago.

Hypothetically speaking, if I were to keep the Aromasin at 6.25mg EOD, would you keep that dose throughout PCT?

chunkypbnj's picture

I had gyno during puberty as well. I would run your asin at 12.5 the first week of PCT. I ran mine 12.5/6.25/6.25/0 during pct and had no issues. I would not drop your AI on cycle since you are already prone to gyno. Keep it at 6.25 EOD and get blood work done. Blood work is the key to know what is going on in your body. Don't guess, assume, or listen to anybody else. What happened to them has nothing to do with what is happening in your body. Know for sure where your estrogen level is at and adjust AI dose accordingly if needed. You want to be between 20 and 50. They say 20-30 is the sweet spot. Spend the 60 bucks. Don't nickel and dime your body. Keep things on point.

Owes a Review × 1
FredWurlitzer's picture

I totally agree with getting blood work done. I was assigned a new doctor that I keep meaning to schedule an appt. with. Just curious, would any you come out and tell your new doctor that you're currently on a cocktail of testosterone and breast cancer drugs?? I just got approved for Medicaid as my insurance, not sure if that makes a difference.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

If you keep those doses I'd extend it one week.

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