jimboba57's picture
  • 10

+ 3 Calf Shot/ Progress!!


A little calf shot! Adding some good/ decent size to my legs, calves especially.

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Theophany's picture

Looking great brother! You've obviously been putting on some serious and strenuous effort! Muscular, strong and shapely calves! Impressively accomplished! +2 for the mobility scooter Lol

jimboba57's picture

Haha! Thanks brother! Finally seeing results, that's a motivator in itself! Gotta keep the wheels growing!

jimboba57's picture

Thanks man! Been hittin the legs twice a week! Gotta get them wheels to grow!

jimboba57's picture

Hahaha. I wish it were that easy Mr. Kfizzle!! Busting my ass will have to do for now!! Might need to invest in a mobility scooter for some days after killing legs though bro! Haha!