WEEGE1's picture
  • 10

+ 5 Running a cruise


Bloods showing levels on a 200mg a week Test Cyp Cruise, labs taken 6 days after pinning and I only pin once a week. Basically my next pin was the following day.

Swole has the best gear I have used from any source on this site!!

Ordered from: 
KK9111's picture

thanks for the bloods +2

irongame427's picture

This is good bro. Not everyone is gonna have the exact same blood levels but from the reseach I've done most people would be within 10-20% of each other. 200mg of pharm grade cyp usually has guys around 900, so as low as 700 and as high as 1100 would be possible depending on the person. 770 is fkn awesome considering you did it 6 days after your shot. I have a half life calculator and once this reaches a peak meaning it's build up as far as it wil based on the cyp ester the day of your shot you will have 387mgs in your blood and 6 days later you'll be down to 213. So blood levels wil be very different 6 days post injection.

Swoleoil's picture

I agree 100%. The problem is everyone wants to break everyone's balls on everything. Assuming everyone is the exact same person doing the exact same protocol. If it's too high it's no good. If it's too low it's no good. If it's in range it's no good. If you feel great and you look great then you are great. I feel and look the best I have in years. I'm happy:)

WEEGE1's picture

Exactly, I'm on a cruise I don't want super physiological test levels, I want levels close to my natural levels, those being 600-650. That's the point of the cruise. I expected this to show the lowest level that's why I stated i tested 6 days post injection.

juiceball8082's picture

Yeah I'm confused myself.

WEEGE1's picture

I'm sure the levels would be higher had I ran the labs 3-4 days after pinning. I wanted levels at the lowest basically one day before my next pin 6 days after the previous pin.

juiceball8082's picture

What's your base bro for being at 770?

WEEGE1's picture

Been blasting a cruising for about a year. Natural levels were about 600-650. This was 6 days port pinning 200mg Test C just like I posted. Is that what you were looking for?

juiceball8082's picture

Ok so your 600's basline? How in the world are you only a hundred points higher? If you took bloods sooner then 6 days you would be extremely higher!
I'm lost brother because my baseline is 280 without test. I'm try patient and I'll come in at 900's at 7 days from inject. Look at my bloods I just did at 190 mgs a week with a private source.

KAM1314's picture

Your baseline just dictates if you qualify for trt. Whether you're on a cycle, blasting, crusing or whatever your body is shut down. The total number is only showing how you're utilizing the hormone

juiceball8082's picture

And I'm not knocking the source at all. I just don't get if he's Natural levels are 600's and he's only up 100 points. I get bloods drawn every 3 months and I'm always up. Shit one time I fucked up and got bloods done 4 days after pin and I was way higher.

KAM1314's picture

Wasn't even talking about the source brother. I was only pointing out that your baseline is kinda meaningless once you start pinning. Let's just say my natty baseline is 1000. If I pin 100mg of cyp every week my new total test number would probably be between 300-500. When you start pinning test, your body stops producing test. The only time baseline will become relevant again is to see how well your pct went and how much damage you did.

juiceball8082's picture

That don't make sense bro. I'm a trt patient and I'm 280 so I qualify right? Now I inject 200 mgs of test cyp to get my levels up and now I go from 280 to 900's! If this guy's baseline without test is 600's how is he only up 100 points or so at 200mg?

fit5000's picture

Any exogenous test u shoot dosent stack on top of your natty test, if your injecting test u shut down and now are entirely dependant on whatever exogenous test your using so his baseline becomes irrelevant at that point.

KAM1314's picture

X2....ding ding we have a winner

irongame427's picture

X2. I've seen a lot of this bullshit lately regarding baselines and test levels. Not sure where people got this idea from. Must be from all the igf-1 testing and the importance of baselines with that so people thing it's the same with test.

juiceball8082's picture

I'm done after this reply!
Tell me then how I was 280 without test and had I never jumped on test because I'm low I come in between 900's-1100's at 200mg a week. Yes my low ass real test becomes irrelevant but wow my test is better!
My point is when you take test you produce super human numbers vs your real test production right?!
I would be happy with his number's if he had a natty test level at 100. I think this bottle he's running is low dosed and how nobody sees it is beyond me.

Swoleoil's picture

I make 500 vials of test cyp in 1 beaker. Do you think 1 is underdosed and 499 are right? Don't let your emotions and the fact that the 880 people that debate this topic on this site are not endocrinologists expressing there opinions cause you to criticize my product. I know this is very cocky but my product is the cleanest, most accurately dosed, and least pip having product here. Period. Good enough for my older kids to use when on cycle. Trust me.
Mass specced raws.
Brewed at the right temp for the right amount of time for sterility. Not over or under.
Lowest amount of solvent to keep in suspension. Not over solvent for winter transport reasons.
Double filtered at .4 and .22.
All vials filled to 11cc with zero contact with open environment.
High end no burr flip tops.
One person doing the entire process but the mass spec. No one pissing in your Cheerios.

juiceball8082's picture

My only argument is he should have more impressive number's! Weather I run prescribed test or ugl my number's are between 900-1100. If I get bloods at 4 days after inject I'm 1300-1400. Some things off here is all I'm saying.

Swoleoil's picture

If you went to a endocrinologist and that happened the proper medical reaction he would have would be to lower your dose. That's science bro. When the doc gives you ai he makes you come back for bloods in 3-4 weeks. If you score high or low he changes your dose and makes you come back again for another test. 1300-1400 puts you out of range of a cruise. The whole purpose of the cruise is to clean out, recover, and not lose your gains until the next cycle.

fit5000's picture

Not sure I follow ur logic but 2 people shooting the same gear same mgs are not going to have the same #'s especially when u take into account the multitude of variables that come into play the biggest one being shooting schedule in relation to blood drawn. Underdosed maybe but highly unlikely, people running swoles oil have some of the best lab results on eroids.

juiceball8082's picture

I just think he should have better number's bro.

ReadyToKillIt's picture

So you believe everyones body processes hormones the same? I hope not, because thats stupid as fuck. Just cuz 200 mg takes you to 1100, doesnt mean thats where it will take everyone elses levels. Please come back on toreply and let me know you actually have a brain in your head.

juiceball8082's picture

Did I fucking say that?
I've already stated number's I feel should be higher. My opinion and that's that!
200 mgs of gear, cycling, blasting or cruising, trt his natty number's seem off vs gear number's.

fit5000's picture

I understand man, everyone is entitled to their opinion. At the end of the day we are only talking 100-150 ng/dl difference as long as he feels good, this amount of test has done it's job. A debate is healthy from time to time.

juiceball8082's picture

True bro!

fit5000's picture

Now something to get upset about is being on ur blast/cycle and getting bloods and those #'s being 1000's ng/dl off, now that is upsetting stuff right there. I haven't seen this many comments on one person's bloods since my bloods I posted a few months ago.

juiceball8082's picture


Swoleoil's picture


KK9111's picture

I follow what you are saying now. There are a few things that factor into play when taking test whether for trt or a cycle. Since the test is exogenous your baseline means nothing. Things that cause others to test differently. One everyone responds different so there is a range of results that will all be accetable. 2 with ugl dosing may not be accurate. Gear can be over or under dosed. And 3 and the most important factor in this case is how he was taking the test. He took it 6 days after his last shot so the results should be less then if he took say 2 days after his last shot. This is why we pin test e and c twice a week to keep the levels as stable as possible. His were on the way down. He could have easily tested higher.

juiceball8082's picture

Thanks for seeing my point.
Just know I always pull bloods 7 days after injection.

WEEGE1's picture

Once your shut down your baseline is meaningless, your not producing any test t all. This is not a case where your baseline will always be there it's gone since your shutdown and not producing at all. So my results or 770 are not 600 plus 170 from the test in injected, it's 770 from basically nothing since I'm shut down.

Ok we hopefully have that covered, now every single person is different in every way imaginable. For example If you were to take 3 people pin them with the same amount/source, same day, test same 6 days later I can guarantee you that not ONE of them would have the same txt levels.

Your on TRT and your Dr has you on a protocol to replace your natural test. Thinking the way your thinking why does the Dr even need bloods after starting you on TRT? He should know that 200mg test cup will get ever male in the world test levels to 900. Wrong this is not an exact science and every person is different that is why they need bloods to adjust dosages accordingly, so while one person make need 150mg a week another may need 200mg a week to reach the same levels.

Hopefully that makes sense and clears things up, this goes not every single compound you put in your body.

juiceball8082's picture

I total understand that natural test gets shut down once you add drugs and everybody's different, but I will say this. Your natural test is a hell of a lot higher then me and you should have more impressive number's.

juiceball8082's picture

And I'm not knocking the source at all. I just don't get if he's Natural levels are 600's and he's only up 100 points. I get bloods drawn every 3 months and I'm always up. Shit one time I fucked up and got bloods done 4 days after pin and I was way higher.

Swoleoil's picture

They don't get added together. Doesn't matter if your base line is 899 if you add synthetic hormones your base line is shut down to nothing. He is 39 and competes. He would waste his time doing pct and lose his gains.

juiceball8082's picture

So I'm 280, run 200mg of test for life and get bloods drawn and come up to 900's depending what lab I'm currently using and that 280 doesn't get added but my numbers still shoot up. Explain?

KK9111's picture

when your are on cycle or trt your baseline means nothing. When I'm off cycle my bad line is 750ish. But when I run a cycle my natural levels drop. You shut down that's why one does a pct.if your test your levels right after a cycle they can be as low as 100 or even less. So where is your baseline. It's gone because your natural production of test has stopped. You don't add or sub tract your base line to the equation.

juiceball8082's picture

I'm not adding or subtracting etc.
Everyone is different!
He's Natural test he higher then me!
Bottom line is I'm not impressed with his number's!
I know swole has good gear but I would expect higher number's on cycle or trt.

juiceball8082's picture

Thanks bro!

fusebox's picture

How about posting some stats

WEEGE1's picture

Stats are somewhat meaningless its all about the mirror. Tried to post a pic from a recent BB Show but can only post one per day I guess, used swole gear for that show. Here are my stats bro.

Age: 39
Height: 5' 4.5"
Weight: Contest 158, Current Weight: 179

fusebox's picture

Stats are not meaningless here bro. I would like to comment on your blood work and pat you on the back about good numbers and obviously good gear. But if you are 20 and cruising I can't do that. Rules are rules. Thanks for posting them so I can +1

WEEGE1's picture

I got ya man thanks for the +1

WEEGE1's picture

When you vertically challenged every little bit helps.

WEEGE1's picture

That's my recent pic from my weight class win at a Local NPC show. I'm on a cruise from that show.