McMeanie87's picture
  • 224

Muta gets a year..


Expected to see alot more time...hmmm, wonder why? Snitch maybe?

guywithguns's picture

I know this is an old thread, but damn I go to Youngstown State University. I wonder if the guy is back in the game.

AlphaTiger2011's picture

Doubt it

Ludwig's picture
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Vio26's picture

Thank you Ludwig, but is real this article? Muta was busted?

Steveking1980's picture

Whoever it is that was some of the better tne I have ran

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Ludwig's picture

I googled it and found a bunch of articles. One of them said he ran a company called Mutagenic. Maybe he was the fall guy?

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KAM1314's picture

I know people that have been selling pounds of weed since Jr High. Think of being an internet middle man for you really believe every source here is a 25-35yr old bodybuilder and works out every morning before locking themselves in their "lab" for hours on end brewing? I'm sure they test their own products on themselves also before they hook up their clients. The internet is a shady place full of if you excuse me, I have two playboy girls waiting for me in my Bentley lol

Pmob's picture

Ha ha ha ha ha !! Your funny !

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HailRazor's picture

I'm a French Model. Bonjour!

KAM1314's picture

Lmao...I remember that commercial

dudebro's picture

so muta was doing other shit even before they myo days?

HailRazor's picture

Was "JS" the guy in the legal docs? Says 6' 225lbs. There wasn't any mention of manufacturing so......I dunno

Lilbear's picture

That is something we all over looked. He might of just been the shipper. We will never know. Mutagenic name won't come back, because if it does the Feds will come down hard and mad.

HailRazor's picture

Nice house though. Sheeeet.....I wouldn't move out either. Especially if mom was cooking some healthy dishes. Smile

Lilbear's picture

Shiiiiiiiiiit, I wish I could move back in with mom and pop. Good old day. Lol

dudebro's picture

pretty sure muta was just a reseller who liked to play the part of master brewer. there were 3 or 4 guys on here that sold exactly the same shit as he did, he was just the best salesman.

HailRazor's picture sometimes i might not be communicating with the same person? one avatar/email....multiple "personalities"? next thing you're gonna tell me these cookies and milk won't be eaten by Santa. that's just crazy-talk.

dudebro's picture

lol i knew you'd understand.

AlphaTiger2011's picture


AlphaTiger2011's picture

Or maybe it's the other way around and they were the resellers

dudebro's picture

pretty sure they were all resellers and whoever made the shit muta was selling is probably still out there doing his thing. as far as i know perses was the first one selling this stuff. muta, the guy on here running mutagenics, was never really the heisenberg he made himself out to be but he sure loved playing that role.

Ludwig's picture

Sounds like they searched his storage unit and that's how it all started. Wonder why they searched it in the first place though. Somebody had to have snitched

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McMeanie87's picture

from the news article i read it was searched only because there was a break in/robbery at the storage place and police got called and they found the shit thats how the investigation started on muta

HailRazor's picture

6ft 225lbs. I wonder if he was taking anything? Smile

Lilbear's picture

Has anyone one seen the movie "snitch" with the Rock. I have a feeling this is what's going on.

Don't flame me for this, just watched the movie and muta popped into my head.

Bpro123's picture

Money talks

Twistedlandscapes's picture

First time offender he ain't snitching

ReadyToKillIt's picture

Read through all of the comments before you talk out of your ass.

Ludwig's picture

I once had somebody lie to me about their age on the internet... Said she was 37, got there and she was 87. A little traumatizing... Don't knock it until you try it though, can't get prego!!!

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Ludwig's picture

Then once the old snatch had me hooked she kept telling me I was the only one. And here there is young guys all over the city talkin about "yeah, she's only 37"

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awagz's picture

Ok just a quick aside here:
My brother (and bear in mind I fuckin hate my brother) was arrested on 8 felony charges of dealing heroine, possession and some other lower level stuff. This was his THIRD arrest, by the ripe old age of 23. I know he didn't snitch, he didn't have to. His lawyer is a good friend of the D.A. who was "handed" this case. He didn't serve a day in jail, did some bullshit community service and went to outpatient therapy (also a bullshit waste of his time). All I have learned is that it's not the crimes you commit, it's who is willing to look the other way, and who you know. Also the lawyer is a friend of the family, so this whole process cost him not a damn thing. Justice at its finest right there.

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Lilbear's picture

Your 100 percent on it all depends on the lawyer. I got my self into a big really big problem last year around this time of the year.

My cousin is in law school, I reached out to him. His professor is a retired judge (35 years, half as a DA the other as a judge)

Long story short. My cuz asked him what should I do. He had me come to his class and said he would repercent me for free if I became the class assignment.

I had to admit I fucked up to, but what I learned was that it's doesn't matter. The professor called the DA and the judge. I got off with only some community service, no pled and my weapon confiscated. Man I miss that Remington;(. But I don't have to worry when I drop the soap. Lol

dudebro's picture

im glad you got out of that shit bro don't get me wrong but that just goes to prove the justice system in this country is a total joke.

Lilbear's picture

Thanks brother, I'm happy too.

Well it's a toss up. Because the cop could of let it go. Not to give to much detail but it was a small traffic offense.

I had just came back from the gun range and they found the riffle in the trunk. He maid it a big deal he thought it was the break of his life as a cop. A few boxes of rounds and a pack of beers. Smh he even made up a story about the whole thing.

It's a joke on Both sides

dudebro's picture

yeah it all comes down to who you know or how much cash you can shell out to a lawyer. 2 guys get the same offense and one could get 5 years in prison and the other just pays a fine and does some community service which he never even bothers to show up for. ive been down this road myself and its quite infuriating.

Lilbear's picture

Funny you said that about the community service. I went only two days, the professor came up with some bs and the judge said ok and dismissed me.

awagz's picture

I had to do community service twice. Once I had 40 hours at an animal farm, I slept basically the whole 40 hours in a hay trailer being it was the dead of winter and there was nothing else to do, but I had to be there every bit of those 40 hours.

The second time on the other hand, I had 80 hours another time at a group home. They had a virus on their computer which I fixed 3 hours into my first day, and the lady signed my card for 4-20 hour weeks on the spot and that was that...again, the whole system depends on who you are, who you know, and their moods lol.

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cthangorilla's picture

Almost went down that route but I was more worried about the shit I would smell so I did mine at a church partially and the rest at the goodwill. Yaknow they just crush all the shit noone buys in the back? So much wasted stuff we weren't allowed to take home. Once there was a gigantic felonious size bag of celebration station tokens I had tried to set aside to loot on a later day but someone found it and ruined my could be tne fueled batting/gokart/arcade party. Such a waste, so much stuff I wanted to take. Even a perfect folding table we could have used in the ring, the long wood ones you only see on WWE, at schools or hospitals yet nobody happens to sell them. Good pumps throwing endless amounts of donations into the crusher though. Not to mention throwing hard as you want was encouraged, nothing was going to break that beast.

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Lilbear's picture

Shitttttt. they made me shovel snow on the high over paths and side walks for 6 hr in rainy snow. I thought that was cruel and unusual punishment.

But yours took the cake. I wonder how much porn they were watching on that computer. lol

awagz's picture

Lol the break of his life....I got pulled over with my shotgun in the car, same thing just left the range but at least my cop wasn't a dick and just asked me how I shot...

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dudebro's picture

haha yeah always thought that pic was hilarious. not sure why.

Bulkdaddy's picture

hmmm only a year! lol… Seems worth it! Wonder where he's hiding the rest of his money!

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IrishMack's picture

only part of it, they wanted the money more then the jailtime so he struck a deal, 200K for 1 year in jail. And a tip where to find his suppliers.

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