racer50's picture
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+ 11 Blood results - Swole Test Prop 100


Lab results -
Been on Swoles Test prop. Started out 50mg/ED. Bumped up t0 100mg/ED and getting good results. Strength , stamina unreal. Also on Swoles Aromasin, 12.5mg ED.

Shocked with lab results..Testosterone serum : 15816 !!!!!!!!!!

I may need to cut back to 50mg/ED LOL

Ordered from: 
racer50's picture

Wow...just checked in...man didn't know all this was going on.ReadyTokill is ready to "neg" this...WTF?

The reason I posted these really was to see what people thought of such a high number.. Like I said in my post I was "shocked" at the number. Could the blood test be wrong?
I asked Swole about it and he thinks its high because of when I did the last shot and when I had the test done.

So...what kind of dose would give me a 15K+ reading? If I am injecting what I think is 100mg/ed...if it is mislabed/overdosed, etc...what must I actually be injecting??? Looking for positive help / answers here, not BS about the op bullshitting etc.
Come on..Look at my history on here...I a'nt got time for bullshiting.

ReadyToKillIt's picture

My comment mainly came from the fact I said something was up 2 weeks ago and there was no response from you. If it was theoretically mislabeled and it is test e or c, injecting 1 cc per day of 250 mg/ml gear would be 1,750 per week. That my friend, would put you right in the ballpark of 15000. Not that I am saying thats what happened, but anything is possible. Mainly its good you came back and addressed these issues.

racer50's picture

Alright...thanks Ready/thanks Iron.

I think I will go get bloods done again next week. Except I will not inject prior to the test on that day and see what it looks like.

ReadyToKillIt's picture

I would suggest waiting 4-5 days after injection. If you have prop, your levels should be virtually zero. If you still have a fairly high number, then you have a long estered test.

irongame427's picture

Really not sure man. Doesn't matter if it's overdosed or not the prop ester does not last long enogh in the body to build levels this high especially on 100mg ed. Maybe it has someting to do with when you injected idk .

irongame427's picture

I don't think this is actually possible on prop. Not sure what your motivation is but you can't build those types of levels with short esters. Unless he mislabeled his test e or c with prop. And even then 15k is not possible on that dose.

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

I have never heard of that type of number before. Lmao

ReadyToKillIt's picture

Here here. I called shenanigans awhile ago. It seems like everyone wants to suspend reality and believe this bullshit because everyone loves this SRC. Well from what I have heard come out of swoles mouth, I don't think he would appreciate this misrepresentation of his gear. Either the op is bullshitting us on his dose (why would that need to be done, swoles gear speaks for itself), or there's a mislabeling (which swole would want to fix). This is a horse shit result and I have half a mind to neg it.

irongame427's picture

I'm a huge fan of swoles gear I'm using it now. I'm just saying the prop ester is to short to build levels like this. Physically impossible. Not sure what op motive is here.

Ludwig's picture

Check out my last bloods, same thing happened to me, just not as extreme. Only thing I could think is it was mislabeled and was really a blend or cyp or e. I don't see any point in bullshitting with such ridiculous numbers. It is pretty fuckin confusing though. It surely can't just be overdosed because it wouldnt be stable THAT overdosed...it would've crashed.

Owes a Review × 1
bolitekurac's picture

I bet if people were to drink your piss, they would get swole. LOL !

brandoc84's picture


Is Testosterone serum the same as total test?
Maybe a better way to break it down would be to ask what the difference is between serum, free and total?

brobro's picture

I dunno if i would say thats a good thing you could be doing more harm then good lol that is really high though

gorillafit28's picture

Wow that's some golden gear! Good thing I got a bunch!!

ReadyToKillIt's picture

15000+ from 100 mg ed? Shenanigans.

Coconut's picture

I want some of these!!!!

KK9111's picture

Got 9 of those in my stash ready for my next cycke. Looks like I will only need 4 lol. +2

solidman's picture

Nice thanks for posting +1!!!

Hustle28's picture

Fuck those numbers are great!!

vhman's picture

Holy breakfast!


konig's picture

lmao wow!!

fit5000's picture

Wow, that is ridiculously high. Looks awesome.+1 for getting bloods.

fit5000's picture

Your right, no doubt underdosed. Lol

racer50's picture

I did notice I forgot to mention I also have been taking 50mg/ed Proviron from a different supplier.
(I have Swoles Proviron too, just haven't got to it yet)

100mg Test Prop/ED
12.5 mg/ED Aromasin
50mg/ED Proviron

Theonslaught's picture

Yeah baby

irongame427's picture

Holy shit. Thats fucking awesome hows your gains been?