mightymouse1000's picture
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seeking advice


Ran cycles about 3-4 before with no pct EVER!!! Mostly experimented with test first and added from there. 5' 6 180lbs. Tain regular for years only now getting more serious and detailed in my workouts to make improvements for about past two years. Here is the cycle i am thiking of running. Need help with hcg when and how long and PROPER pct info. Getting diet in check now. Will post soon. Thanks

1-12sust 250250mg
6-12winny tabs50mg
1-16hcg300UI e3d
chunkypbnj's picture

HCG >> Either take 250iu twice a week once the nuts shrivle (for me happened around week 5) or do a 10 day blast of 1000iu EOD starting 17 days before PCT as it takes a week for the HCG to clear your system. You want the HCG to be gone before starting PCT.

PCT >> Nolva/Clomid 40mg/100mg daily for 2 weeks
20mg/50mg daily for 2 more weeks

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mightymouse1000's picture

No almost 30. Guys I was hoping to get some guidance with the pct protocol. I have read and heard running arimidex through cycle and I can use as pct. So can I just run it for the four weeks after last pin?? Advice?? And definitely want to make sure I am using hcg correctly. Thanks

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

Are you 20?

mightymouse1000's picture

This cycles goal is to burn fat and add lean muscle.

mightymouse1000's picture

Did not add all my cycles up. Messed around in highschool and past two years taking more serious and trying to learn as much as possible. Last year tren hex 400mg and sust 250 at 250mg a week. No pct. This year tren enanthate at 400 mg and sust 250 at 500mg had bad sides got blood and test was low. Other cylcles were test enanthate at 200 - 600mg a week. Highschool until now. Threw in dbol and masteron. Now a little more educated and want to make sure to do it right.

mightymouse1000's picture


Coconut's picture

You need to correct your cycle log it's confusing. What compound history do you have? Have you gotten blood work before this cycle to even see where you sit naturally after cycling with no pct. How do you think you've ran "about 3 or 4 cycles"? How do you not know how many you've run?

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