hardtimes99's picture
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+ 13 Everyday is a competition


starting to see more lean muscle and details in certain areas as well as overall vascularity

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hardtimes99's picture

People ask me what I am taking. They expect me to say some insane cycle. I am using Test Cyp, Winstrol, and turinabol. Diet is key. I train twice a day and eat clean every couple of hours.

Green Ranger's picture

Good job bro +1

noob143's picture

You look solid brutha

tonytulo's picture

Fuck yea bro looking great +1 from me.

pump junkie's picture

Killin' it. I don't understand why people haven't shown you love for these pics before now.Best I can figure is that people don't like seeing people actually getting results.You look great man,keep at it,we look to about the same weight,but you have far better genetics than me.Keep us updated on your progress should be inspiring to many here.

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