kth3446's picture
kth3446 136 Claim this!


Estimated T/A: 
Domestic 10 days, International 21 days

Minimum Order: 

Payment Methods: 
Western Union

Jc74s's picture

Lol yea there fast

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ANABOHOLIC's picture

Like 2 days.

Jc74s's picture

Yea that how mines was

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Trapsquatch's picture

strength has gone up very nice thanks 2 this var

Jc74s's picture

Dam I might have to jump on the bar soon

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Trapsquatch's picture

yea bro Did shoulders yesterday and just felt that weight flying....I need 2 buy some more only got 2 bottles left lol

i20bpm's picture

Checking out that injectable dbol they have now

Trapsquatch's picture

Damn your gonna blow up....I am sure its gonna be more than legit 4 sure

i20bpm's picture

Lol hell yeah

Trapsquatch's picture

I love these guys man....Pay day is coming I think my next order will be 2-3 Var maybe 1 proviron not sure yet all I know is these guys have hit home runs with everything so far

Jc74s's picture

Dam the prov sound nice

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expressdomestic's picture

I know i'm not supposed to talk business and do refrain from doing so always to avoid disrespect. It has to be known to the people who do not already that I could get kicked off of here for giving out free samples. I don't mind the 3 or 4 emails we get a day from different boards asking but I don't expect disrespect or insults to our legitimacy when i say no. verified or not I will always say no!! That is not the way we are trying to do things, and for the most part the guys who come asking for something free were never going to buy anything anyway.

cplatty1's picture

Just made an order cant wait to test you guys out!! Can I chose what item I get for free or is it a surprise? Thanks!!

Trapsquatch's picture

hit them up on email bro

Trapsquatch's picture

Thanks for keeping it real my man =)

Jc74s's picture

I will say this the npp is strong I never get pimples I get at least one every other day chest shoulders back .I ran high volumes of test didn't get any pimples so its the npp just want state that on the positive note hope you get verified soon keep up the good work

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expressdomestic's picture

I'm very glad your happy. it would be great to be verified but waiting patiently is the way to go with that. it will probably be a little because we changed domains a few times and you need to have a site for 6 months. we have always kept the same basic name though.

Jc74s's picture

indeed with in due time .

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goinpro2012's picture

What's mg for:

Test A
Test C
Test E
Test P

Trapsquatch's picture

test a and p=100mg/ml
Test c=200mg.ml
test E250mg/ml

goinpro2012's picture

Thank you sir

Jc74s's picture

What do you mean have u looked at there site

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goinpro2012's picture

Yes, and they are not on the site. That I could see anyway...

Jc74s's picture

I would contact them thru email outside of eroids I would assume test ace 100mg test e and c 250 mg and test prop 100mg just the basics dosage

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goinpro2012's picture

Tried it on the site. Message wouldnt go through

Trapsquatch's picture

hey bro I would go with their prop because I can personally attest 2 you it is some good stuff....I have their test E but I am only 2 pins in so I cant tell you potency but it is smooth....their npp and anavar is really good 2....what did you plan on getting?

goinpro2012's picture

Thanks for the info... Probably a couple of everything. Used to donate $3-4K/month when BB and Kraken were around. Just getting things in order now. How was T/A time for you?

Jc74s's picture

T/a two days also I will say the npp is on point I am post pics next week I should be close to 280 I hope lol stuffing my face now

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Trapsquatch's picture

Super quick I Have gotten 3 packs from them and it took 3 days twice and 2 days one time....and we are not close at all LOL....they live up 2 their name